拿米其林三星生意就會好?el Bulli主廚阿德里亞拍賣晚膳底價五千美元
說拿下了米其林三星級餐廳el Bulli前年(2011)歇業,不少老饗心碎,未能趕在餐廳結業前光顧而感到遺憾。1961年開業,多次獲得米其林指南推薦星級餐廳,又六度獲英國專業美食雜誌「餐廳」列為「世界最棒的50家餐廳」第1名,儘管每年接到超過200萬人訂座,但阿德里亞於2001年起,結束餐廳的午餐業務,全年的營業時間又只有約160日,其餘的時間都用作鑽研菜色,因此餐廳每年都只能招待約8000位食客。而阿德里亞又決意走平民化價錢的路線,結果餐廳每年虧損50萬歐元。
El Bulli的傳奇主廚阿德里亞(Ferran Adria),只好把腦筋動到了蘇富比拍賣會上了,底價5千美元(15萬元台幣) 拍賣與他將有機會一飽口福共享晚膳的機會。於4月3日在香港,以及4月26日在紐約舉行二場拍賣,晚餐地點是巴塞隆那的Tickets餐廳。雖然是經典大廚師,有些美食家則批評:「他真的是想錢想瘋了。」或許是在測試自己身價有多少。
Dinners with Ferran Adria to be sold at auction
Fans of Spain's award-winning elBulli restaurant who did not get there before it closed will get a chance to eat with its celebrated chef when dinners with Ferran Adria are sold at auctions, Sotheby's said on Monday.
The two dinners, each for four people, will be among the highlights of sales next month in Hong Kong and New York, when the restaurant's wine cellar, equipment and memorabilia will also go under the hammer.
"It is a unique experience ... to have dinner with certainly the most creative chef in the world," said Jamie Ritchie, president Sotheby's wine, Americas and Asia.
Proceeds of the auctions will benefit the elBulli Foundation, a culinary center that is due to open in Spain 2014.
圖片提供:法新社 、el Bulli