這一次因為COVID-19,不僅讓我們的生命安全備受威脅, 同時也讓“豪華旅遊”產業的價值重新被估算.根據全球頂級旅遊最有公信力的機構ILTM日前發佈的白皮書指出,”luxury travel的總產值每年高達兩兆美元,而這個數字,不但能為人們和家庭提供支持,同時鼓勵社會經濟變化和環境可持續發展,還以驚人的方式,重新分配財富。
ILTM主席Alison Gilmore表示.該報告與Barton Consulting Group合作,由Wealth-X數據提供支持,顯示了COVID-19(至今仍然是大規模的公共衛生危機)對該生態系統造成毀滅性的影響。
根據國際工會聯合會日前的調查顯示,四月疫情期間,在86個國家中,每兩個國家其中就有一個關閉了餐廳,咖啡廳和酒吧,而這些店家正是構成全球豪華旅行生態最重要的環節之一.正如同ILTM在去年十二月的報告所顯示的結果,國際旅客在該領域的支出為2610億美元,其中高淨值的旅行者(HNW TRAVELLER)就貢獻了1130億美元的鉅額資金.
“在疫情過後,可以想見的,最早能進入新的世界旅行活動的人,必定是在財務上沒有後顧之憂的人,他們將財富帶到世界各地,並重新活絡這些產業.” Winston Chesterfield, Barton Consulting Group的創辦人表示.
資料提供:International Luxury Travel Market
$2.05 trillion luxury travel value Is Highter Than We Think
The challenge of COVID-19 has brought into sharp focus the realities of our world. “We are a global community, with globally-linked supply and demand systems. The travel industry is one of the greatest catalysts for this interconnected and international system.”Alison Gilmore(ILTM Portfolio director) said travel is a far greater mechanism for the dispersal of wealth to local economies than has previously been recognised.
And they are all part of the $2.05 trillion luxury travel “ecosystem,” described in a recent report published by International Luxury Travel Market (ILTM).
Produced in partnership with Barton Consulting Group—powered by Wealth-X data—the report shows the devastating impact COVID-19 (still a massive public health crisis) has had on that ecosystem.
Among the report’s most interesting highlights: Luxury travel supports nearly 170 million jobs, more than 90 percent of which are family or small businesses. As an industry, it is much larger than others that depend on discretionary spending such as fashion (worth $1.3 trillion) and consumer electronics (worth $1.1 trillion). The global car industry is valued at $4 trillion but employs only 5.69 million people.
Half of the 86 countries included in the ITUC survey closed non-essential business in March until further notice, excluding supermarkets and pharmacies. This means that 1 out of every 2 nations have closed all formal and casual dining restaurants, cafés and bars that form a major part of the global luxury travel ecosystem. As the December report showed, international travellers account for $261bn spend on this sector globally, approximately 16% of the total. Of this amount, HNW travellers – a relatively tiny group of travellers – contribute a massive $113bn.
The next few months should have witnessed the pinnacle of the year’s live sport. With the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the UEFA 2020 Euros both postponed to next year, other sports with annual calendars
are facing cancellations. Almost 9 in 10 countries (88%) of the 86 surveyed have cancelled all sporting events. At risk to this are the elite European football leagues heading to their closing stages and finals of tournaments such as the UEFA Champion’s League.
Other casualties include the cancellation of Wimbledon – arguably the world’s most prestigious annual tennis grand slam tournament. Of the $292m that the tournament brings, around 20% ($62m) would have come from international visitors. The US Masters Golf Tournament
at Augusta is also postponed and major horse racing events, such as Royal Ascot (due to take place in June) are under review. If both of these should be cancelled rather than postponed, the $40.5m that international visitors would have contributed – 26% of the total – will be missed.
“The early adopters of the new world we will enter into are almost guaranteed to be the ones with the deepest pockets, the ones who are less concerned about long-term economic consequences. They’re going to take their wealth to these locations around the world that have been starved of this revenue for so long.” Winston Chesterfield said, the founder of Barton Consulting Group.
責任編輯:Jacky Yang(Taipei)
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Editor : :Gong kin Yang (TW)
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