「橫濱港未來21」(Yokohama Minato Mirai 21),通稱港未來21、港未來、MM21…,以作為21世紀未來都市為規劃,所有街道均綠化,區內電線、電話線、光纖網路、自來水、下水道和暖氣系統等基礎設施全部預先設置在地底的管溝內。整個區內簡潔乾淨,行走其中,總感覺通透舒暢。
由五層樓建築相連的Queen's Square,橫濱全太平洋大酒店、音樂大廳、辦公大樓。內部的百貨公司、購物中心與餐飲街,都相通 港未來21的建築美學,就從這裡開始超展開。
1995年,經由世界各國競圖的結果,由倫敦的夫妻檔Alejandro Zaera Polo和 Farshid Moussavi脫穎而出,他們低調的設計結合了新潮創意,符合了「給大家一個平穩的海面」的設計目標。除了由遠處欣賞大棧橋不規則的建築物設計外,站在大棧橋的屋頂公園更是可以將橫濱海天一線的美景盡收眼底。
提到橫濱美景,一定得到全日本第三高的Landmark Tower(地標大樓),大樓外形靈感源自日本傳統的梳子,全棟有73樓高,配備有全世界最快速的電梯之一。
建於日本大正年間的紅磚建築物,外觀雖留有這90多年來的舊日足跡,內部則改裝成特色Shopping Mall,整個購物城只有1號館和2號館兩幢建築物,每座館也只有區區3層,但由於座立於一大片空地上,且正位於海港邊,倒給人無比舒適的購物空間與悠閒感。
橫濱的中華街位於橫濱市的中部,有七個入口,分別矗立著被稱為 “牌樓”的大門。這裡是日本規模最大的華人聚集區,這裡聚集了約600家華人開設的餐館和店鋪,想要體驗”日式的中華美食”,這裡絕對是解饞的最佳選擇。
Yokohama Minato Mirai 21
The bay area is filled with tourism spots symbolic of Yokohama, from the 296-meter tall Yokohama Landmark Tower to the giant Ferris wheel Cosmo Clock 21 and the Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse. It is also home to leading fashion brands both from Japan and around the world. There are a number of major shopping malls within a 10-minute walk with more than 200 stores each, including Yokohama Landmark Plaza, Queen's Square Yokohama and MARK IS minatomirai. Enjoy shopping to your heart's content even on rainy days as all the malls are connected by underground or covered passageways.
Queen's Square Yokohama is situated directly above Minatomirai station on the Minatomirai line. The three symbol towers with a wave motif mark the building out. Queen's Square Yokohama is a huge shopping/office building complex with over 200 stores and restaurants, including The Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu overlooking the Port of Yokohama, and the Yokohama Minatomirai Hall which caters to concerts for all genres of music. The venue often hosts a variety of events, making Queen's Square Yokohama ideal for an entertaining experience for people of all ages.
Holds a diverse collection of art, mainly from the late 19th century and later including works by Dali, Magritte, Milo, Picasso, Cezanne and artists with strong ties to Yokohama from the end of the Edo/Meiji periods onward. It also has an extensive collection of photographs since Yokohama is one of the places in Japan where photography was first introduced. "Yokohama Museum of Art Collection Exhibit", which exhibits museum's collections is held about three times a year. Themed exhibits are held about four times a year. The museum building was designed by Kenzo Tange. The museum also includes the "Citizens' and Children's Workshops" and the "Art Information and Media Center" that provides art-related books, videos and information. *A cafe and a restaurant are also available.
Osanbashi Yokohama International Passenger Terminal
The Osanbashi Yokohama International Passenger Terminal is a major port where foreign cruise ships dock during international cruises. With a maximum height of 70m and width of 15m, the steel construction was designed by Alejandro Zaera Polo and Farshid Moussavi (a UK-based architect).
Landmark Tower "Sky Garden"
The Sky Garden is Yokohama's highest observation deck on the 69th floor of the Landmark Tower, the tallest building in Yokohama standing at 296 meters. Visitors take Japan's fastest elevator at 750m/min to reach the observatory in just under 40 seconds. The observatory provides a 360-degree, panoramic view of Yokohama city, the Yokohama Bay Bridge, and the Tokyo Tower and Mount Fuji on clear days.
Bar Noble
The owner won the world championship 2011 for his cocktail grand sunrise. It is an elegant, sophisticate but still welcoming bar .
The glasses, the classical music, and the expertise of the owner/bartender make this one a must in yokohama, you feel like a royalty.
The drinks are simply awesome, small art pieces. 未滿十八歲禁止飲酒
He stoically stand center bar and center stage framed by a back bar of wrought iron and dark wood all set off by his rye smile and white doubled breasted dinner jacket.
Sankeien Garden
Sankeien contains many hisotrical houses and buildings that are recognized as being culturally significant by the government. These buildings were brought to the park from locations all over the Japan, and include a three storied pagoda located high up on a hill deep inside the garden. This pagoda, originally constructed in Kyoto in the mid-1400s, was relocated to Sankei-en in 1914.
The entire garden was once the private home of Tomitaro “Sankei” Hara (1869-1939) an extremely wealthy silk merchant. It was opened to the public in 1906.
As you stroll through the park you will find bridges, streams, small waterfalls, bamboo groves, and ponds.
The house that Hara and his family lived in (Kakushokaku) is huge; a sprawling, flat dwelling with dozens of spacious, interconnected tatami rooms, overlooking a private green lawn.
Yokohama Chinatown
Yokohama Chinatown is known as the one of the world's best spots for Chinese food. With more than 600 shops in only a 2500 square meter area, there are plenty of restaurants to choose from. Workers from restaurants and food stalls, cute and colorful sundries shops, and more call out in loud voices to entice passersby. The buildings and signs glitter and dazzle in brilliant colors and you soon realize Chinatown is a completely different world!
去旅行 travel together 專題旅遊組
責任編輯: Jacky Yang (Taipei)
文: Cathy Chao (Taipei)
影音、攝影: Jacky Yang (Taipei)
影片後製:Kenneth Wang (Taipei)