2019年夏天,世界上最著名的幾位烹飪天才廚師,在新加坡一場大型美食聚會上坐了下來,並且討論了一個“廚師是否能拯救世界?”這個大問題. 現在,為了提高人們對與所有食品生產相關的問題而誕生的組織UTOPICFOOD(烏托邦美食)成立了!第一步計畫關注全球15位有創新能力的主廚,透過他們深刻的洞見,以及對世界餐飲的觀察,來吸引人們的注目.
“我們從未見過如此與廚師近距離的接觸,並且是在廚房以外的議題探討.”國家地理頻道亞洲版預告了UTOPICFOOD這系列引人入勝的視頻, 特別是現今人類生存受到更多威脅的時候,能否透過廚師們的力量,來阻止像是氣候變遷等議題.
美國大廚José Andrés,被喻為是精緻餐飲界的領導者,在視頻中提到”餵飽許多人”的想法,特別主張為婦女消滅貧困,其中“反對不安全的木炭烹飪”就是其中一項他倡議的手段;而如何由廚師社群來領導恢復民族的優越感, 日本與秘魯料理混血的廚師Mitsuhara Tsumura表示,”反對基因改造食品”就是他採取的方法.
另外如同來自香港的廚師May Chow談到全球是否理解進化過後的中華文化;居住在新加坡的Julien Royer對於廚師在“全球遊牧”帶來的影響?以及被譽為“巴斯克廚房英雄” Andoni Luis Aduriz認為應該鼓勵更多的創意來啟發人們的思想…透過“暗色濾光鏡“的拍攝技巧,將這些廚界意見領袖與深刻探討的議題結合起來.
曼谷雜誌發行人和美食盛會的發起者,同時也是UTOPICFOOD系列共同創始人Mason Florence表示,“作為當今的搖滾明星,藝術家,哲學家和社會運動者,大廚們需要一個令人矚目的平台來表達自己的信念,並展現對國際社會的責任.”
華爾街日報亞洲版食品專欄作家John Krich補充說明,“儘管在烹飪比賽和廚藝活動比比皆是,但至今仍沒有類似的組織,以一種親密而有趣的方式,記錄了最新一波的環境關注和社會行為.”
In the summer of 2019 a select gathering of the world’s most famed culinary geniuses sat down to answer the question, “Can Chefs Save the World?”
Now UTOPICFOOD!, an initiative to promote awareness of issues related to all forms of food production, is just releasing the result: a captivating three-part video series to roll out respectively in April, May and June 2020. The work was captured in an entirely new approach the profound concerns, causes and creative thinking of 15 of these global culinary innovators – material so relevant and compelling that National Geographic Asia previewed the pilot episode to coincide with the period surrounding Earth Day 2020 on April 22, with this year’s theme of action to stop climate change, at a time when human survival seems ever more threatened.
Never before have we seen so up-close and revealing, entirely out of the kitchen and musing on the state of the world or the future of cuisine, such advanced leaders of the restaurant world as José Andrés – here passionately advocating recognition of those who “feed the many” and advocating a campaign against unsafe charcoal cooking as a means of combatting women’s poverty. And there are numerous surprises here in just the first five episodes: Mitsuhara Tsumura, leader of Peruvian-Japanese cuisine, elucidating how the chef community led the restoration of national pride and fought against genetically-modified foods.
Hong Kong’s May Chow on the role of evolution and the global perception of Chinese culture, Singapore-based Frenchman Julien Royer on being a global nomad and pioneering Basque kitchen hero Andoni Luis Aduriz advocating creativity as tool to open minds. But it’s all seasoned with humor and personal insights. Utilizing superbly detailed black-screen shooting techniques in combination with probing questions that go way beyond the usual flattery and recipe-seeking, each segment highlights an individual personality’s lifelong journey and deep connection to nature, local producers and their homeland’s culture.
According to series co-creator Mason Florence, the Bangkok-based magazine publisher and promoter of top gastronomic events, “As today’s rock stars, artists, philosophers and now activists, chefs need a central platform to express their beliefs and show their new sense of responsibility to the world community.”
Adds fellow originator John Krich, an award-winning author on food and travel, Asian Wall St. Journal food columnist, “While media abound in cooking competitions and culinary wanderings, there hasn’t yet been anything like this project, bringing together so many luminaries to document the latest wave of environmental concern and social action in such an intimate yet entertaining way.”
責任編輯:Jacky Yang(Taipei)
Editor-in-Chief:Jacky Yang (TW)
Managing Editor:Cathy Chao(TW)
Editor : :Gong kin Yang (TW)
Senior Reporter:Gabbana(TW)