2013全球50間最佳餐廳(World’s 50 Best Restaurants)-江振誠(Andre)創下首位華人獲選主廚
今年(2013)年全球五十大最佳餐廳(The World’s 50 Best Restaurants)在4月29日、英國倫敦時間晚上8點揭曉,來自西班牙的El Celler de Can RocaGIRONA餐廳、打敗了上屆Noma成為本屆的最佳餐廳的榜首,讓連得三屆冠軍終於拱手讓人…有人猜測,可能受到先前發生的Noma食物中毒事件影響,而降了一名,來自丹麥的Noma餐廳為此事付出了相當大的代價,包括米其林的評鑑,原本有機會拿下三星的Noma最後還是維持了二星評選。不過主廚René Redzepi帶領下的Noma餐飲水準,在美食界還是頗受好評,終究,廚藝才是決勝的關鍵。
由西班牙的El Celler de Can RocaGIRONA餐廳拿下全球五十大最佳餐廳狀元主廚,是在西班牙新穎料理上有超高手藝之稱的Joan Roca,他曾畢業於是世界最有名酒店管理學院(la Escuela de Hostel),他以真空低溫烹調法(Cuisine sous vide)和蒸餾(Distillation)的獨特烹飪方式、顛覆許多傳統料理,深獲世界許多饕客喜愛,同時Roca家族三兄弟共同經營餐廳,更添戰力。
Joan Roca從2002獲頒米其林二星、一直到了2009年才獲得米其林三顆星的肯定。
The World’s 50 Best Restaurants從2002~2009年間評選的常勝軍,一直都是分子料理阿德里亞(Ferran Adrià)所領軍的el Bulli餐廳,一直到了2009年起到2012年才有René Redzepi的Noma餐廳崛起,此次主角也終於換人做了。
對於五十家餐廳的評選,也一如往常出現各種雜音,如小圈圈的投票、評審許多還是入圍餐廳的工作人員,以及贊助廠商公正性也待商確。有些老饕客卻覺得米其林指南(Le Guide Michelin)還比較具有公正性,另外還有一種聲音是來自傳統料理界的人,因為五十家餐廳獲選和入圍者、絕大多數都是現代料理與新料理,反而一些傳統烹飪方式較不受重視、中式餐廳想入圍更是難上加難。
五十大最佳餐廳(World’s 50 Best Restaurants)唯一獲選華人廚師、是來自台灣的江振誠(André Chiang),他在新加坡所經營的Restaurant Andre餐廳獲得38名,而這也是第一次新上榜的餐廳之一;然而亞州國家都排名在二十名之後段班,日本餐廳第20名Narisawa和第22名龍吟,分別是亞洲前一、二名。
其他的亞州國家擠入三十名的,分別是來自泰國的Nahm,以及香港地區獲選分別由第36名AMBER和第39名8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA拿下,而中國上海則由第43名的Mr & Mrs Bund拿下,數一數亞洲國家共七間入選,中餐廳連一間都沒獲選。唯一中餐廳獲得、只在榜外第75名的龍景軒(香港米其林三星餐廳),主辦單位回應是、早前已經頒發過亞洲五十大最佳餐廳(Asian’s 50 Best Restaurants)給它,因評選區域的不同而產生不一樣的結果,評選只是一種指標性參考。
最佳女主廚頒給了這位擁有美麗笑容之稱的、義大利米其林三星名廚納迪亞.尚蒂妮(Nadia Santini)獲得。
終身成就獎則是頒給了亞倫.杜卡斯(Alain Ducasse),這也是續保羅.包庫斯(Paul Bocuse) 、亞伯特.盧(Albert Roux) 、米歇爾.盧(Michel Roux)(此為兩兄弟) 、侯布匈(Joël Robuchon)第五位獲得此項殊榮的法國人。
關於全球五十大最佳餐廳(The World’s 50 Best Restaurants)
是由英國餐廳雜誌(Restaurants magazine)所舉辦,從2002到至今(2013)每一年都會用先備選百間、再用票選選出五十間全球最佳餐廳,頒獎地點則選在每年四月英國倫敦。近年來為了擴展亞洲美食,每年二月則會到亞洲各大城市舉辦(The Asian’s 50 Best Restaurants),而五十大獎項產生是由900多個餐飲界人士所組成,分成二十六個地區、每個地區由36名成員組成一個小組,每個小組成員手中擁有七張票進行投票,其中三票一定要是頭該區以外餐廳,而當中成員有美食家、廚師、記者和部落客等人組成。贊助商以聖培露(San Pellegrino)礦泉水為主。
As is the case with all "best of" lists, no guide is perfect. But very few sources attempt to rank all the restaurants in the world. The "50 Best" awards are decided by a group of over 900 restaurant world experts. There are 26 different regions that make up the list, and each region has a panel of 36 members including a chairperson. Each panelist has seven votes and at least three of those votes must be for restaurants outside of his or her region.
On his blog the Ulterior Epicure, fine dining enthusiast and photographer Bonjwing Lee outlines some of the issues he has with the list (do read the whole piece, though):
At best, these are the fifty trendiest (or most-publicized) restaurants in the world, as determined by a rather insular group of voters that includes chefs and restaurateurs (many of whom work in restaurants that appear on the list), food journalists, and bloggers (some of whom are not shy about announcing their position as a “World’s 50 Best Restaurant’s” voter to chefs and restaurateurs upon their arrival). And let’s not forget the sponsor of this list is San Pellegrino & Acqua Panna, a company that has much to gain on the tables and in the tumblers of the high-end restaurants that this list seems to favor.
Several awards were announced in advance of the 50 best announcement. Chef Alain Ducasse was awarded with the Lifetime Achievement honor and Nadia Santini was given the Best Female Chef award.
2013年全球五十大最佳餐廳(The World’s 50 Best Restaurants 2013)名單
1. El Celler de Can RocaGIRONA, SPAIN
3. Osteria Francescana – Modena, Italy
4. Mugaritz – San Sebastian, Spain
5. Eleven Madison Park – New York, USA
6. D.O.M – Sao Paulo, Brazil
7. Dinner by Heston Bluementhal – London, England
8. Arzak – San Sebastian, Spain
9. Steirereck – Vienna, Austria
10. Vendome – Bergish Gladbach, Germany
11. Per Se: New York, New York
12. Frantzén/Lindeberg: Stockholm, Sweden
13. The Ledbury: London, Great Britain
14. Astrid y Gastón: Lima, Peru Highest Climber
15. Alinea: Chicago, Illinois Chefs' Choice
16. L'Arpège: París, Francia
17. Pujol: Mexico City, Mexico
18. Le Chateaubriand: Paris, France
19. Le Bernardin: New York, New York
20. Narisawa: Tokyo, Japan Best In Asia
21. Attica: Melbourne, Australia Best in Australasia, Highest New Entry
22. Nihonryori RyuGin: Tokyo, Japan
23. L'Astrance: Paris, France
24. L'Atelier Saint-Germain de Joël Robuchon: Paris, France
25. Hof Van Cleve: Kruishoutem, Belgium
26. Quique Dacosta: Dénia, Spain
27. Le Calandre: Rubano, Italy
28. Mirazur: Menton, France
29. Daniel: New York, New York
30. Aqua: Wolfsburg, Germany
31. Biko: Mexico City, Mexico
32. Nahm: Bangkok, Thailand
33. The Fat Duck: Bray, Great Britain
34. Fäviken: Järpen, Sweden
35. Oud Sluis: Sluis, Netherlands
36. Amber: Hong Kong, China
37. Vila Joya: Albufeira, Portugal
38. Restaurant Andre: Singapore New Entry
39. 8 1/2 Otto E Mezzo Bombana: Hong Kong, China
40. Combal.Zero: Rivoli, Italy Re-Entry
41. Piazza Duomo: Alba, Italy New Entry
42. Schloss Schauenstein Fürstenau, Switzerland
43. Mr & Mrs Bund: Shanghai, China New Entry
44. Asador Etxebarri: Atxondo, Spain
45. Geranium: Copenhagen, Denmark
46. Mani: São Paulo, Brazil New Entry
47. The French Laundry: Yountville, California
48. Quay: Sydney, Australia
49. Septime: Paris, France New Entry
50. Central: Lima, Peru New Entry
全球五十大最佳餐廳(The World’s 50 Best Restaurants)專題組
記者:Kate、jacky(台北) 、文禮華(香港)
圖片:The World’s 50 Best Restaurant、Restaurants magazine、美聯社、歐新社、中央社