榮獲第八屆台北國際牛肉麵節冠軍的「晶華冠軍牛肉麵」將於於6月24日起至7月31日進駐東京羽田機場的ANA SUITE LOUNGE,日後,不只是搭乘ANA商務艙的乘客可以品嚐到晶華的名廚料理,進出羽田機場的ANA頭等艙及鑽石卡貴賓們,也可以親啖美味與台北零時差的冠軍牛肉麵!
2014 年商務艙佳淆For Business class
Available 2014 during January, June, and September
六月份 June 端午限定版
經典國寶宴Classic National Treasure Feast
Fresh abalone with hot sauce, bamboo shoots with golden salty eggs, scallops with scallions, peppered long green beans, Jadeite Cabbage, soft sautéed eggplants
主菜Main Course
Meat-shaped Stone with Silks Palace Fried Rice
芒果鮮奶酪 Mango custard
水晶豆沙粽 crystal zongzi with red bean
The all-new season 2 menu is designed and created by the Silks Palace, owned and managed by FIH Regent Group and located inside the National Palace Museum park area. Inspired by the various artifacts inside the museum, Silks Palace is known for recreating culinary masterpieces modeled after famous art works. The restaurant’s “Imperial Feast” menu is most renowned for its amazing “meat-shaped stone” and “jadeite cabbage,” two classic Chinese art sculptures rendered edible and supremely delicious. This season’s ANA in-flight cuisine includes those two dishes, as well as tender green asparagus shoots with salted eggs, peppered long green beans, fresh abalone with five-spice sauce, fresh scallops with scallions, egg white fried rice, kai-lan with five vegetables, and sweet crystal zongzi with red beans and mango pudding for dessert.
The first in-flight menu this year from Regent Taipei was immensely popular, with passengers specially praising the Regent Championship Beef Noodle Soup. This season, Regent Taipei’s award-winning beef noodle soup masterpieces will be arriving at the ANA SUITE LOUNGE at Tokyo’s International (Haneda) Airport! From June 24th to July 31st, all ANA passengers flying first class and Diamond Card members may enjoy these representative Taiwanese dishes from the eighth annual Taipei International Beef Noodle Soup Festival! With more than 63 million unique travelers per year, Haneda Airport is the fourth busiest airport in the world. Regent Taipei is honored to participate in this amazing opportunity to share some of Taiwan’s best cuisine.
文/圖: jacky
採訪協力:台北晶華酒店(Regent Taipei)、ANA全日空
良好印象近期推出Sky Air Tour帶您探索頂級飛航新世界
文章採訪: 2014 TAIPEI 台北