
不到一個月前良好印象在曼谷的Gaggan餐廳專訪老闆兼主廚的Gaggan Anand,他告訴我們料理不該分為印度料理西班牙料理或法式料理他的料理就是屬於Gaggan的料理,沒想到現在他的餐廳已被票選為亞洲第一,站上世界都在矚目的舞台,Gaggan眼眶紅著表示這一路走來真不容易但他終究是辦到了!(內含亞洲五十間餐廳得獎完整名單)


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今年38歲的Gaggan,在印度加爾各答長大22歲時曾經接待美國前總統柯林頓,又做過印度總統廚師,然而他的企圖心不只是侷限在印度,「我想讓更多人了解什麼是印度料理、進而喜愛它。」Gaggan說於是他不厭其煩地打了20幾通電話給位於西班牙的El Bulli餐廳(當時被譽為世界最佳的分子料理餐廳),最後終於被大師阿德里亞接受,Gaggan抓緊機會努力鑽研,將傳統的印度菜注入新烹調技法的生命。







特別值得注目的是由台灣廚師江振誠主導的Restaurant André今年獲得第5名,比去年的排名上升1名,而且第三度奪得S.Pellegrino新加坡最佳餐廳(The S.Pellegrino Best Restaurant in Singapore)。同時江振誠參與經營的新加坡首次入選餐廳Burnt Ends也獲得了第30名,André今年也堪稱是大贏家。


江振誠以其特別的餐飲「八角哲學」聞名於世,但他不因此而停止努力,在這段時間內,他分別在台北開設了RAW與巴黎的Porte 12餐廳,其成績都備受矚目,同時他更積極與各國際名廚,如Daniel Humm(紐約米其林三星)及來自北歐丹麥的AMASS合作,不但提升了自已的能見度,Andre Chiang儼然就在國際名廚之列。



於2014年首次入選的樂沐法式餐廳今年排名第26名,再獲S.Pellegrino台灣最佳餐廳(The S.Pellegrino Best Restaurant in Taiwan)。不過很可惜的是,今年台灣依然只有

Le Moût上榜,在今年台灣愈來愈多Fine dining餐廳進駐後期待明年有更多的餐廳能晉級這項餐飲盛會。



特別值得注意的年輕新銳主廚分別是新加坡JAAN主廚Julien Royer,今年只有32歲,以法式料理為基底的品質穩定美味,在今年又進步六名到第十一名的情況下,未來潛力不可限量;


另一位是香港天空龍吟主廚佐藤秀明( Hideaki Sato ),去年雖然吊車尾擠入亞洲五十大,今年已大幅躍升至第24名,挾著在日本龍吟嚴謹的訓練與實力,即將自己在香港開新餐廳的Sato也不容忽視。



而泰國除了Gaggan外,同時入選亞洲50最佳餐廳榜單的泰國餐廳包括2014年的榜首Nahm(今年第7名)、Eat Me(第25名)、Bo.lan(第37名),以及Issaya Siamese Club (第39名)。 一共有八間新餐廳於亞洲50最佳餐廳榜單亮相,而首次有餐廳入選的國家則包括菲律賓(Antonio’s,第48位)及柬埔寨(Cuisine Wat Damnak,第50位)。中國的餐廳在亞洲50最佳餐廳榜單中入選數目再度冠絕亞洲,囊括16 席,緊隨其後為占十席的新加坡和八席的日本。



上海餐廳Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet(今年躍進為第三名,又被暱稱為神秘餐廳),榮獲S.Pellegrino中國最佳餐廳獎(The S.Pellegrino Best Restaurant in China),此殊榮去年的得主為香港的Amber(第六名)。然而,Amber的主廚Richard Ekkebus今年依然再創佳績這位備受尊崇的烹飪大師受同行們推選為Nespresso贊助的「主廚之選」(Chefs’ Choice Award, sponsored by Nespresso)大獎得主。




連續第三年,位於東京的餐廳Narisawa(第二名)再度榮獲S.Pellegrino日本最佳餐廳(The S.Pellegrino Best Restaurant in Japan);山本征治主廚的日本龍吟餐廳也在第四名之列韓國在亞洲餐飲業界繼續大放異彩,今年有兩間新餐廳上榜,包括Ryunique(第27名)和勇奪Peroni Nastro Azzurro贊助的最值得關注餐廳獎的羅宴(La Yeon,第38名)。繼2014年首次入選後,林正植(Jungsik Yim)的首間首爾餐廳Jungsik乘勢上升十名至第十名,並榮獲S.Pellegrino韓國最佳餐廳(The S.Pellegrino Best Restaurant in Korea)。


亞洲50最佳餐廳」今年踏入第三屆,由聖沛黎洛S.Pellegrino)和巴娜(Acqua Panna贊助,頒獎典禮3月9日於新加坡嘉佩樂酒店隆重舉行,公佈2015年度結果。

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Gaggan同時獲選為S.Pellegrino亞洲最佳餐廳(The S.Pellegrino Best Restaurant in Asia)及S.Pellegrino泰國最佳餐廳The S.Pellegrino Best Restaurant in Thailand)。



「亞洲 50 最佳餐廳」由威廉.瑞德商業傳媒舉辦,此年度名單充分反映 900 多位國際餐飲業專家的意見和經驗,由此等備受推崇並曾到訪各地著名食府的美食專家推薦心水選擇。評選結果以點算票數得出。此份經過精挑細選的名單以個人經驗爲基礎,並無設下任何絕對準則,但充分反映當下全球食評家的品味。




Gaggan in Bangkok has secured the No.1 spot at the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants 2015 awards in Singapore. The 2015 list of winners at an awards ceremony at Capella Hotel, Singapore.


Gaggan was also named The S.Pellegrino Best Restaurant in Thailand.Chef Gaggan Anand opened his eponymous Bangkok restaurant in 2010 with avision to reinvigorate Indian cuisine by incorporating modernist cooking techniques.His passion, energy and creativity are evident in every aspect of the dining experience, from the colonial-style setting to the molecular twists added to traditional Indian dishes. Ranked No.3 at the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants awards last year,Gaggan debuted on the World’s 50 Best Restaurants list in 2014 at No.17.Thailand is also represented by 2014 winner Nahm (No.7), Eat Me (No.25), Bo.lan(No.37) and Issaya Siamese Club (No.39).



Individual Country Awards:



Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet (No.3) in Shanghai is named The S.Pellegrino BestRestaurant in China, a title previously held by Hong Kong’s Amber (No.6). However,Chef Richard Ekkebus of Amber still had his moment in the spotlight. The respectedculinary master is this year’s recipient of the Chefs’ Choice Award, sponsored byNespresso, an honour voted for by his peers.

Amber at the Landmark Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong continues to lead the way by being the highest ranked restaurant in Hong Kong.



Hakkasan (No.46) in Shanghai is the other new entry from China, while The Chairman in Hong Kong re-enters the list at No.35. Rising one place from its 2014 ranking,


Restaurant André (No.5) retains the title of The S.Pellegrino Best Restaurant in Singapore.


The new addition to Singapore’s restaurants is Burnt Ends (No.30), while Osteria Mozza (No.45) makes a welcome return.

JAAN a new ranking of 11th – a 6 place climb from last year.





For a third consecutive year, Narisawa (No.2) is named The S.Pellegrino BestRestaurant in Japan.Korea’s influence on Asia’s dining scene continues to grow with two new entries,


namely Ryunique (No.27) and La Yeon (No.38), the latter earning the One ToWatch award. Building on the success of his 2014 debut,


Chef Jungsik Yim’s flagship Seoul restaurant, Jungsik, rises 10 places to No.10, earning the title of The S.Pellegrino Best Restaurant in Korea.A new entry to the 2014 list, this year Le Moût ranks at No.26, retaining its title a The S.Pellegrino Best Restaurant in Taiwan.




Highest Climber Award: HajimeChef Hajime Yoneda continues to impress diners with his dedication, artistry and command of French and Japanese cooking techniques. His eponymous Osakarestaurant rises 28 places this year, from No.42 in 2014 to its current ranking atOther honourees include


Chef Vicky Lau of Tate Dining Room & Bar in Hong Kong who is named Veuve Clicquot Asia’s Best Female Chef 2015. Chef Tetsuya Wakuda of Waku Ghin in Singapore is the worthy recipient of The Diners Club Lifetime Achievement Award.


The South China Morning Posts' Susan Jung is the academy chair for the Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau region of the world’s 50 best and Asia’s 50 best. 



William Drew, Group Editor of Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants, said: “These awardsecho the palpable excitement felt across the restaurant scene in Asia over the last year. Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants aims to celebrate success, reward innovation and hard work, and provide diners with guidance on the greatest places to eat across the continent.





2015亞洲五十間最佳餐廳 完整名單(2015 Asia's 50 Best Restaurants)












責任編輯: Jacky Yang (TAIWAN)





採訪協力:Asia's 50 Best RestaurantsWilliam Reed Business Media




文章採訪: 2015 Singapore 新加坡



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