曼谷最知名的米其林餐廳Le Du主廚Chef Ton又有餐飲新作「發酵炒粿條」”Mayrai pad thai”之所以取這麼特別的名字,是想要帶給食客們在餐飲全新的體驗:自然酒與改良版泰式街頭小吃的結合.
Chef Ton Tassanakajohn of Le Du explores pad thai and natural wine in a new bar
“取名為發酵,是因為想把自然酒的好處,推廣讓更多人知道.”也是創辦人之一的Tam(chef Ton)的弟弟表示,May Rai這個在泰文字面帶有詩意的名字,意味著在自然發酵酒的選擇上,都是經過精挑細選.
另外,May Rai也有特製的泰國秘製herb酒,雖然酒精濃度高達40%,但佐以傳統的斑蘭茶,達到恰到好處的平衡.
不過有米其林主廚親自坐鎮的May Rai,美食當然是強項!只賣79泰銖的招牌菜 Pad Thai(泰式炒粿條),堪稱是東南亞米其林主廚研發,cp值最高的料理,由ChefTon親自調配的辣度佐以羅望子醬料,拌入自家製的泰式河粉,精緻版的pad Thai令人垂涎欲滴.
不過另一樣必點的khao soi則是很有誠意地端出改良泰北咖哩麵,華麗的口感讓人欲罷不能.
事實上May Rai坐落在曼谷極有歷史價值的塔田區(Tha Thien),緊鄰大皇宮,臥佛寺的景緻不說,May Rai正位在通往昭披耶河邊的小巷,這裡很有早期貴族獨享河畔風光的味道.
距離May Rai只有咫尺之遙的旅館「Sala Rattanakosin Bangkok」,其頂樓面河的無敵景致,為曼谷數一數二.在May Rai帶瓶紅酒,趁華燈初上之際,與醉人夜景乾杯,也是一大享受.
Chef “Ton”Thitid Tassanakajohn of one Michelin-starred Le Du, along with his brother Chaisiri “Tam” Tassanakajohn,open modern phad Thai cuisine,nature wine bar to the historic area Tha Thien.Ton and Tam is looking to bring more dining diversity to the guest with a new venture
May Rai, which takes its name from the poetic Thai word for fermemtatiiion, takes over the ground floor of a over 100-year-old shophouse located right in front of Sala Rattanakosin Hotel.
The bar is small and intimate, swathed in gleaming neon lights and 94a chill vibe that makes you think you were in one of the hip bars along Soi Nana. Take a seat at the bar, with stories behind the varied wine selection on offer.
May Rai also produces its own spirit, a yadong is a Thai elixir,contain herbs and botanicals.Also,They made from 12 Chinese medicinal herbs.
The wine bar also serves several types of pad thai pad thai dishes, including its signature spicy Pad Thai May Rai (B79),the price are very friendly; Pad Thai Beef Wagyu (THB490).The khao soi (Northern Thai noodles, B390) with wagyu beef is another must-try.
Recommended sips include the Phaunus Pet Nat 2017, a sparkling natural wine from Vinho Verde, Portugal that was made using ancient methods of single fermentation, and without the addition of yeast or sugar. For a full-bodied red, Tam suggests the Alpsmanta Natal Malbec 2017from Mendoza, Argentina, which has pleasant notes of plum and blackberry. Wine by the glass starts from B200.
It’s open noon to midnight every day except Tuesday.
22 Maharat Road Tha Tien Bangkok
MRT Sanamchai
Opening hours:
Open Wed-Mon 12:00-midnight