“我很高興宣布於6月19日位於曼谷的Le Du餐廳將重新開張.”泰國名廚Chef Ton(Thitid Tasanakajohn)日前在他的社群媒體公布,對眾多的饕客而言是好消息,但對Ton來說實屬不易,疫情期間的停業掙扎,讓他必須不停蹄地持續宣傳”外送,宵禁,成立個人品牌便當…,到如今終於在餐飲寒冬中,迎來了重新開業的好消息.
Le Du,曼谷的米其林一星餐廳,開業6年多以來,已經重新改寫了人們對泰式料理的刻板印象,美國廚藝學院畢業的Chef Ton,放棄了成為金融新貴的機會,全心投入在廚藝的世界裡.聰明地將自己所學,西式的烹調技術,融入在傳統的泰國菜裡,重新演繹出泰菜新風貌,今年更獲得亞洲50最佳餐廳極佳肯定,列名全亞洲第8名.
Le Du有幾道招牌菜式獲得米其林評審公開垂青,絕不能錯過:
首先是squide &prawn:“這是今年最讓我吃驚的菜…魷魚被切成條狀,與醬汁混合,展現了醬汁與酸辣的完美結合,味道與泰式沙拉有異曲同工之妙。最特別的是,廚師添加脆檸檬草的香味,更加突出了魷魚的鮮味。而最大的驚喜是魷魚墨汁,我原先認為會有點苦,但相反地,它卻提煉出酸味,鹹味和辛辣的滋味.”
另一道river prawn則一直在受歡迎的菜式上:”充滿蝦膏、輕微酸辣的冬蔭功醬將這道菜帶到另一個層次,也與蝦的新鮮形成對比。搭配有機米與蝦醬一同上桌,這道菜在加入了甜鹹風味的五花肉醬後,味道更加平衡,也與細緻切丁的芒果形成完美對比.”這也是米其林評審的評語.
不過面對這場疫情危機,chef Ton也有掙扎,他曾告訴<彭博商業周刊>自己其中一間餐廳的處境,“我已經重新開放了Baan,我的四家餐廳之一,有很多限制。我們之前有30個座位的餐廳,現在我們只能坐8個座位。最重要的是,我們在晚上10點實行宵禁,這意味著我們必須讓顧客在晚上8:30前離開…座位減少,營業時間縮短,餐廳經營變得困難...
不過在黑暗的盡頭總會看見曙光,“我很高興宣布Le Du重新開放,我們已經準備好特價,新的菜單,特別是3,000泰銖(原價3,590THB)的套餐”chef Ton說這是餐飲業者最需要本地顧客的時候,當然他們會端出最大的誠意,找回消費者的信心.
Highlight the dishes of Le Du
Amuse Bouche
Betal leaves, coconut, ginger
Southern bitter bean, fish stomach curry
River Prawn, pork belly jam, shrimp paste and organic rice
Fermented fish, spicy tamarind, dill
five spices, chinese olive
green curry
Peanut Butter, Vanilla-Kaffir Ice Cream
Its seed, tamarind
coconut sorbet
Chef Thitid “Ton” Tassanakajohn has done his share of giving Thai cuisine an uplift, laying it on white table-clothed splendor at Le Du, the one Michelin-starred establishment that beautifully reinterprets Thai cuisine with the use of Western cooking techniques.
Known as Chef Ton, is a veteran on the Thai food circuit, also seen on TV as a judge for Top Chef Thailand. Le Du is refreshing, perhaps somehow influenced by its namesake, the Thai word for seasons. The restaurant uses only local Thai ingredients to make Thai creations with a twist.
"This was the dish that surprised me the most this year and not what I was expecting. The squid was cut into strips and mixed with a sauce that had a perfect combination of sour and spicy that tasted like a Thai spicy salad. On top of that, the chef added crispy lemongrass for fragrance which also enriched the squid flavour even more. "the michelin guide inspector noted.
"The big surprise here is the squid ink purée which I thought would be a bit bitter, but on the contrary, it was flavourful providing sourness, saltiness and spiciness. A pleasant dish full of flavour and texture indeed."
The ‘cold’ section currently has khao chae, a seasonal favourite on the menu, but it’s with a Le Du twist. Shrimp and pork are served alongside jasmine ice cream, a bold twist to the classic rice dish you normally have at your grandparents’ house.
Wild seabass is also served cold, complemented with refreshing watermelon and smoked fish cream. The forest & sea section ranges from salted fish with enriching chu-chee curry to the river prawn, served with pork belly jam and shrimp paste.
Finally, make your way to the ranch section, where the free range chicken with baby corn awaits, or the 30 days dry aged beef tenderloin. Dessert is sinful but well worth it. Go for the jackfruit with tamarind or the Chiang Mai chocolate.
With lots of hope in the darkest time of food and beverage industry in Thailand. “I am excited to announce the reopening on 19 June. We are ready with the new tasting menu at the special price at 3,000++ thb (from 3,590++) Please come out and support local restaurants. This is the time we need you the most.”chef Ton said.