Mandarin Oriental,Barcelona坐落於巴塞隆納最繁華的Passeig de Gracia大街,外觀與Ritz、W…等飯店不同,顯得低調許多。不過整體找來女設計大師操刀,前衛優雅的美感,絕對會顛覆你對傳統五星飯店的想像。
酒店的前身是一間大銀行,是受保護的1920年代新古典主義Art Nouveau建築,但主建築則是全部新建造的。建築的過程要特別小心,保護珍貴的外牆。彷如時光隧道,從進門處便可見其匠心。
重頭戲在於從大堂可以通過雕花裝飾、眺望純白色的餐廳Blanc。Blanc雖是all day dining餐廳,卻是體驗西班牙餐點入門的絕佳選擇,該餐廳菜單是由大名鼎鼎女主廚Carme Ruscalleda所設計。
大廳兩旁分別通往Banker’s Bar和米其林餐廳Moments。Moments廚房是由Carme Ruscalleda的兒子掌廚。Ruscalleda本人,同時擁有七顆米其林星星的榮耀。
巴塞隆納文華東方的設計感也很強,特別找來設計大師Patricia Urquiola操刀,將她歷年為Alessi、B&B Italia、Foscarini、Kartell、Dirade、Agape等國際大牌設計的家具全都巧妙融進客房與公共空間中,讓人有一種”光是使用這些設計家具,就足夠超值”之感。
Patricia Urquiola何許人也,她所設計的Fjord系列扶手椅和腳台,及Foscarini之「BAGUE」燈具,現永久收藏於紐約現代藝術博物館。
最有趣的是,上層樓就是花園雅座Mimosa:本是酒店建築物圍繞著的天井,現在則是一個設計和布局660平米的大花園。在這裡吃Tapas 喝香檳極為享受,而在天台Terrat Rooftop的無邊式Infinite浸浴池,可以一邊淺泳一邊欣賞城市美景。烏瞰Gracia大道之際,赫然發現Sagrada Familia 的建築就在那不遠處。
Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona, quickly solidified its status at the luxury hotel of choice amongst locals and discriminating tourists alike.Since opening in 2009 on Barcelona’s famed Passeig de Gràcia – a street lined with modernist masterpieces by architects Antoni Gaudí and Lluís Domènech i Montaner and glitzy boutiques.
Design efforts for the hotel, which is housed in a mid-20th century building, were helmed by Spanish-born designer Patricia Urquiola. And from the moment you enter via a dramatic ramp leading you though an airy atrium into the chic lobby, you’ll see how the property successfully blends grand elegance with warmth and intimacy.
This hotel is well-suited for the discriminating traveler who’s accustomed to a certain level of service that only comes with an established brand like Mandarin Oriental, but also requires discretion and privacy.
Spanish chef Carme Ruscalleda – she’s the world's only seven-Michelin-starred female chef – assumed responsibilities for all the hotel’s restaurants and bars. In addition to the handsome cocktail den Banker’s Bar, the leafy Mimosa Garden, and the highly acclaimed fine dining Catalan restaurant Moments, the newest offering is Blanc.
Blanc ,As the name implies, the design is crisp and eye-catching, thanks to the striking white lattice panels cocooning the dining room. For the menu, Ruscalleda pays homage to her Spanish roots, while adding an elegant touch. To that end, you’ll discover classic tapas like bread with tomato and Iberian ham and patatas bravas, alongside lesser-known Catalonian comfort foods like cannelloni.
Winter soup, onion, egg, crusty bread and ham · Coca Delta del Ebro with eel, strawberry, daikon turnip and shiso · Red shrimps, green papaya, soy and sour apple ········ Cannelloni “Barcelonina” with three meats: chicken, pork, veal · Vegetables and Iberian pork rice · Cod, potato, cabbage and all i oli
Blanc menu highlight as below:
Lobster salad citrus and beans from the “cuc”
Iberian secret zucchini flowers, date chutney
Dessert trolley
巴塞隆納文華東方酒店(Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona)
地址:Passeig de Gràcia, 38-40, 08007 Barcelona, Spain
電話:+34 931 51 88 88
登記入住時間: 15 : 00 ,辦理退房時間:12 : 00
責任編輯:Jacky Yang(Taipei)
Manager Editor : :Cathy Chao (TW)
Senior Reporter:Gabbana(TW)
採訪協力:Mandarin Oriental , Barcelona
文章採訪: 2017巴塞隆納 Barcelona