威斯汀羅馬精品酒店在Starwood飯店系列雖稱不上是最頂級,在義大利羅馬卻是個例外,被譽為是羅馬歷史最悠久、最奢華的飯店之一。特別是VILLA LA CUPOLA前年曾被《Forbes》(富比世)雜誌評選為世界最奢華的飯店套房之一。
包括路易十六時期燭臺、巨大的 18 世紀法國鏡子、新古典主義風格的寫字臺、孔雀石和青金石裝飾。
主臥室的天花板繪有精緻壁畫,打開陽台,即可俯瞰時尚的威尼托大街的景致。分為起居室、可容納 12 人的涼亭用餐區、私人書房。
充足的自然採光透過寬敞窗戶照入時尚健身房,這裡配有先進的有氧運動器械、力量訓練器械和自由重量器材。專為客人設計的 20、40 和 60 分鐘的全身鍛煉計畫是這裡的特色。
Doney 餐廳是位於威尼托大街的一條自然人行道,餐廳內部採用灰色、綠色和棕色色調並配以皮革裝飾和水晶吊燈,使氛圍顯得獨特而華麗。菜肴風格偏重於地中海的清淡口感——南瓜意餃配蝦醬、加泰羅尼亞龍蝦、牛肉配黑蹄火腿。
ORVM 採用現代優雅的藝術裝飾風格,讓人在羅馬威斯汀酒店感受現代的風情以及古典的氛圍。這裡也是感受羅馬市中心生活體驗的絕佳地點。世界各地的建築細節和家飾在 ORVM 交匯,創造了獨特的幽居之所。從用於裝飾酒吧角面板的墨西哥瑪瑙,到營造氛圍的英式檯燈;從利用義大利萊切的石頭製成的花瓶,到選擇用來創建溫暖鑲木地板的南美木材;最後,還有來自泰國的華麗地毯。
Dining in The Westin Excelsior, Rome
The Doney Restaurant offers competent, fairly informal Italian and international cooking at reasonable prices with dishes like fennel salad with green apple, spinach and nuts and traditional main courses. A decent buffet breakfast is also served here. The Café Doney spills out onto the pavement of the Via Veneto, while off the lobby area, ORVM serves cocktails and afternoon tea.
Doney Opera Brunch
Every Sunday from Opera singers, operating within high profile theaters and schools of Rome, will enchant and entertain you with the most beautiful Italian soprano and tenor arias.
Deluxe double room
Even the cheapest Deluxe double rooms start at 30 square metres. There are two styles of décor – Imperial (in either green or red dominated colour scheme) or Biedermeier (more restrained neutral colours). Both have damask fabrics, reproduction antiques and decent sized bathrooms with floor to ceiling marble. Beds are exceptionally comfortable.
Imperial Suite
This historic suite is a gateway to the treasures and enchantments of majestic times. Located on the noble first floor of the hotel, the Imperial Suite overlooks the legendary Via Veneto.
Boasting iconic Empire style, the Suite offers an elegant open space living room with a gazebo dining area for 12 people, a private studio, a splendid bedroom and magnificent bathrooms in Siena and Carrara marble.
Exquisite Neoclassical décor and precious detail give life, shape, and color to an unforgettable setting. A collection of unique pieces, chosen with care from the most prestigious auction houses in Europe, create an ambience of unique charm.
Via Veneto Suite
Italian fabrics and an elegant color palette, gracefully embody these unique corner Suites, which boast a circular marble living room with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the legendary Via Veneto.
The Suites offer generous comfort with elegant damasks and restored period artwork inspired by authentic Roman residences.
The spacious marble bathroom features a Jacuzzi and a separate shower. Enjoy the tradition of Italian hospitality with our exclusive daily VIP amenities.
地址:Via Vittorio Veneto, 125, 00187 Roma
電話:+39 06 47081
登記入住時間: 15 : 00 ,辦理退房時間:12 : 00
責任編輯:Jacky Yang(Taipei)
Manager Editor : :Cathy Chao (TW)
Senior Reporter:Gabbana(TW)
採訪協力:Mandarin Oriental , Barcelona
文章採訪: 2018羅馬Roma