今年(2020)11月3日京都將迎來一間真正結合世界文化遺產的奢華酒店-京都三井酒店(HOTEL THE MITSUI KYOTO),該酒店不但就位於京都二條城東側,同時強調由亞洲飯店“設計巨星“Andre Fu(傅厚民)領銜的設計也很有看頭. 這是Andre Fu首次進軍京都,若再加上去年底由Tony Chi(季裕棠)設計開幕的京都柏悅酒店,華裔設計師搶進京都奢華酒店的態勢儼然成形.
京都三井酒店的業主是雄霸日本的三井不動產所擁有,而馳名世界的東京文華東方酒店也隸屬於該集團,此次即將在京都開幕的酒店之所以重要,是三井首次利用三井“MITSUI”為名,打造出自有奢華酒店的旗艦品牌.為了展現決心,三井還重金禮聘亞洲奢華酒店的天王Andre Fu來設計.
京都三井酒店的地段得天獨厚,佔據了二條城東側正中,逾7000平方米的土地。此地從17世紀晚期到20世紀間曾聳立著三井家族的宅邸.雖然在原址重新打造酒店,但歷經300年滄桑的大門被保留至,所有的瓦片和木質部件都被小心翼翼地拆卸、修復、重組,Andre Fu為其帶來新的風貌.
161間客房同樣由傅厚民操刀,他將日本傳統概念的茶屋元素融入其中,天然材質的運用將在那些51平方米起跳的空間里展現的淋漓盡致.部分房型還將擁有私人溫泉.這間酒店附設的2間餐廳、絕美的私家庭園和超過2000平方米的水療中心,“擁抱日本之美是我們品牌的中心.”三井酒店的總經理Manabu Kusui強調,自古以來日本就與自然之美有著情感上的連繫,特別是京都更是兼容日本文化和歷史的古都,對三井旗艦酒店在京都插旗充滿信心.
圖說:圖片左為Andre Fu參加2019國際奢華旅遊博覽會(ILTM2019)與知名旅遊作家Erza S.T.合照.(photo credit:Erza S.T.)
The Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. and the Mitsui Fudosan Resort Management Co., Ltd. have announced the name of their first flagship property: HOTEL THE MITSUI KYOTO. Located in Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto City, this signature luxury hotel is scheduled to open in summer 2020.
The property has been developed by an award-winning team of architects and designers each of whom are specialist masters in their own fields: Andre Fu for the interiors, Shunsaku Miyagi for the landscaping and Yohei Akao for the restaurant and spa. The entire team has been led by Akira Kuryu, master design advisor, famous for ensuring architectural design blends with the surrounding environment. Kuryu’s signature style is evident in the construction of the hotel which combines the storied past of the old capital with modern elements.
Each of the 161 guest rooms (including one Presidential Suite) is a contemporary reimagining of the traditional Japanese tea room fashioned from meticulously selected natural materials and fitted using time-honoured techniques.
General Manager, Manabu Kusui comments, “HOTEL THE MITSUI KYOTO, will represent the true essence of Japan, the world-renowned city of beauty, culture and heritage. Since ancient times, the Japanese people have shared an emotional connection with the unparalleled beauty of nature. The harmony between the natural environment, scenery and history is a story we can all relate to and is key to the ultimate hotel experience. This is expressed in our brand concept - Embracing Japan’s Beauty.
責任編輯:Jacky Yang(Taipei)
Editor-in-Chief:Jacky Yang (TW)
Managing Editor:Cathy Chao(TW)
Editor : :Gong kin Yang (TW)
Senior Reporter:Gabbana(TW)