At the heart of Tapei metropolis, on the 5th floor of a superb complex, the latest Atelier de Joël Robuchon opened on November 5th, 2009. The 7th Workshop in the world has taken all of his big brothers, the pared-down red and black decoration, a 32 seats counter around a central kitchen, 'La Carte' proposing classic or tasting portions signed by Joël Robuchon combined with the experience of a Chef in past openings in Tokyo and New-York, Yosuke Suga brilliantly realizes Joël Robuchon's recipes.
L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei is no exception to the rule.
The interactive atmosphere between the kitchen and the dining room expresses all the conviviality of Joël Robuchon's Ateliers always seeking for simplicity. Prices for lunch and dinner range from NT$480 to NT$2,000. A complete meal with 8 dishes is NT$6,000.(LE FOIE GRAS DE MANGO嫩煎鴨肝佐時令芒果)Aiwen mango from Taiwan
引頸期盼首家登台的米其林餐廳 L'ATELIER de Joël Robuchon 侯布雄法式餐廳,挾帶著高人氣與名聞遐邇的創意卻不失經典的法式料理,極端挑逗著台灣饕客的味蕾。深耕日本及亞洲多年,得到史上最多顆米其林星星殊榮的世紀名廚 Joël Robuchon 特地指派門下得意法藉弟子 Xavier BOYER 擔任台灣區行政主廚,持續挾帶米其林星星賦予的閃耀光芒進入亞洲的美食殿堂為饕客獻藝。不僅嚴選各地進口食材,更運用創新手法將當地食材巧妙變化,讓每種材料都散發最獨有單純的味道,同時兼顧美感而不失原味,讓人感受極盡奢華的味覺體驗。
L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon Taipei
BellaVita Mall
5/F, No. 28 Song Ren Road
110 Hsin Yi District
Taipei, Taiwan
Tel. : +886 2 8729 2628
Fax : +886 2 2722 2778
11:30 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. (last order)
6:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. (last order)
Favorable Impression Media
Photo By: jacky
Assistance: L’ATELIER de Joël Robuchon Taipei