遊艇展國外買主主要來自中國大陸、美國、日本、香港、英國、新加坡、加拿大、德國、菲律賓、韓國等國,以洲別來看,亞洲買主最多(佔64%),其次為北美洲(佔15%)及歐洲(佔13%),重量級買主包含全球最大遊艇製造集團BRUNSWICK集團旗下的SEA RAY BOATS、美國知名快艇製造商MALIBU、西班牙老字號船廠RODMAN POLYSHIPS、英國ISARA Yachts,以及日本Suzuki、Yamaha、Toyota等。
而買下全場最大遊艇、造價3.3億元的日本買主平湯芳裕亦現身亮相,他表示台灣遊艇製造技術精良,已購入第3艘台製遊艇,此行觀展對於高雄民眾的熱情印象深刻;義大利遊艇公會副理事長ANDREA RAZETO表示,對於台灣首屆辦理遊艇展即能一次到位,相當佩服,現場國外買主亦稱讚台灣國際遊艇展規畫完善、服務貼心,是亞洲最有品質的遊艇展。
Today's grand opening of the Taiwan International Boat Show stands as a crowning moment for Taiwan's six-decade old yacht-making industry. Over the next four days, 168 shipyards and suppliers will use 861 booths at the Kaohsiung Exhibition Center (KEC) to display the finest in luxury yachts, peripherals, components and equipment.
The May 8th to 11th show, that joins more than 60 magnificent yachts, is organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade and Kaohsiung City Government, implemented by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and held under the auspices of Taiwan Yacht Industry Association(TYIA).
Indoor yacht show joins 168 exhibitors & 60 luxury yachts
Thousands of visitors are expected to visit this grand show that features 168 foreign and domestic exhibitors. There are vessels and gear of every shape and size including 40 yachts, sailboats and power-driven boats up assembled in the column-free North Halls. The show extends to the outside pier to showcase 20 luxury yachts on the water, providing more space for displays and a splendid harbor side spectacle for visitors.
The largest yacht at the show is the RP110 model designed by Horizon Yachts, the fifth-largest custom luxury yacht builder in the world which is also a winner of the 2014 Taiwan Excellence Awards. The RP110 features nearly 450 sqm of leisure space and is a virtual villa on the sea.
Meanwhile, Kha Shing Enterprises presents its latest Monte Fino CAT 45 Sports Fish model, with ample space for fishing and recreation that's specially designed for fishing fans or taking buddies on fishing voyages. Also showcased is the uGreen 45 Hybrid, the first hybrid electric yacht in Taiwan designed by Bluewater Yacht Builders.
Other exhibitors include Asia Harbor, Nova Marine, Grand Harbour, Johnson and President. Taiwan's yacht-making industry has won global acclaim over the past six decades, and Taiwan exhibitors eagerly anticipate this first genuine exhibition of yachts in their own country that will win heightened profile for the island's rapidly expanding yacht-building sector.
Foreign flags raised on the mast
This maiden Taiwan marine show has attracted exhibitors from oversea yacht-building and peripheral industries, including the German-based Hanse Yachts, Sweden-based Delta Powerboats and 36 suppliers from Australia, the U.S., New Zealand, the UK, Italy, Singapore, Hong Kong, China and Indonesia.
Suppliers from Australia, the U.S. and China are attending the show as part of official delegations, and the Australian pavilion will include 15 suppliers of parts and components, organized by the Australian International Marine Export Group (AIMEX). According to the president of AIMEX, Australian suppliers regard Taiwan's yacht-making capacity very highly, and are confident that the boat show will draw Asian buyers to consolidate Taiwan yacht manufacturers on a global level.
30,000 buyers, industry players & local visitors pack the venue
Taiwan yacht builders have returned from all over the world for this first boat show that's packed with prestigious international guests. Over one thousand international guests have already registered online or accepted invitations to visit the show. Since the show venue is near the heart of Taiwan's cluster of yacht and marine related manufacturers, buyers can personally checkout nearby shipyards that can be reached in a 30 minute drive.
Taiwan yacht parts and components suppliers have also attracted the interest of many international shipbuilding companies. Procurement personnel from shipbuilders are here from key players including Sea Ray Boats under the world's largest yacht-making group Brunswick Corporation, renowned U.S. yacht-builder Malibu Boats, French manufacturer of luxury yachts the Beneteau Group and Spanish shipyard Rodman Polyship.
In addition to overseas visitors, the Boat Show has also attracted visitor registration of executives from over 500 well-known companies in Taiwan. Through the ibon kiosks at 7-Eleven convenience stores, over 10,000 tickets were pre-sold before the show opened. It is estimated the number of visitors at the four-day show will reach 30,000.
責任編輯: Michelle
文: Roger(Hong Kong)
Bianco (Hong Kong)
攝影: jacky(Taipei)
Bianco (Hong Kong)
採訪協力:Taiwan External Trade Development Council, TAITRA中華民國對外貿易發展協會、台灣區遊艇工業同業公會
文章採訪: 2014 Kaohsiung 高雄