昭披耶河碼頭迎來了初春的微風,上岸後我走入了一處靜懿的歐式花園,花樹小徑加上令人屏息的泳池…一幢幢的白色Resort躍然眼前;大廳庭園銜接拱橋,挑高的水池迴廊讓人猶如置身世外桃源,我以為,我來到了南法…不過讓我目眩神迷的、其實是曼谷近年來最成功的奢華旅館The Siam。 (內含HD影音)
如果不走水路,The Siam的入口極為低調,大廳僅以枝垂綠意來迎接你,待在這裡挺好,至少日照充足…在小小的櫃台check-in,說是小,卻像極了中國古代的藥鋪,特色具足!
「地下樓層是藏寶庫嗎?怎麼能這麼有神祕感?」,一路上我驚呼連連,直到穿越拱門、進入Main residence(主建築住所)後,我愣在原地、簡直無法相信眼前的景象…。
大片的芭蕉葉矗立直達天頂穹蒼,圍繞著墊高的水池,Main residence每層迴廊就圍繞著這個水池,不管從哪個角度看,都極有閒適的風情,光是看著這個建築藝術造景,就深深地達到了療癒的效果。
當然,The Siam絕不只以此為滿足,迴廊間有設備完整的健身房,還別出心裁地設了一個泰拳擂台,沿途還有圖書館、會議室以及私密的地下樓SPA空間,更有看不盡的古董藝術收藏品,差點以為我來到的是一間博物館。
早餐含在每晚住宿房價內,採用奢華飯店才有的a la carte(單點)點餐方式,有專人服務。
The Siam Hotel的幕後老闆,其實是曼谷家喻戶曉的明星世家,從母親KAMALA SUKOSOL、到女兒MARISA SUKOSOL NUNBHAKDI和兒子KRISSADA SUKOSOL CLAPP都是歌星,為了家族的夢想及展示家中的收藏,他們買下Dusit區域三英畝的地,打造了The Siam Hotel,其中還包含了復刻Jim Thompson當年的古屋。
而整個飯店其實也是個大型博物館,處處展示SUKOSOL家族的藝術收藏,特別還有KRISS在世界各地蒐羅而來的古董珍品,反映了曼谷最輝煌的時期國王拉瑪五世的裝飾藝術(Art deco)及文化歷史的情懷。
About The Siam Hotel
Main residence
Mae Nam Suite
6 bright and airy Mae Nam Suites offer stunning views over the hotel grounds with glimpses of river life while being spacious enough for families.
All Mae Nam Suites are located in the Main Residence adjacent to the spa, with convenient access to our gym, library and meeting room.
Butler service
Private boat shuttle between hotel & Saphan Taksin central pier
Pool Villa Courtyard
For absolute privacy, retreat to an intimate Pool Villa and bask in Thai Colonial, Chinese or Art Deco surrounds.
Every villa is awash with lush internal gardens and features a private swimming pool and open-air roof terrace, perfect for secluded sunbathing, evening cocktails or tête-à-tête dining.
Six Courtyard view Pool Villas are scattered throughout our gardens. One pair of adjoining villas is perfect for families or friends
The Siam was conceived by creative director and celebrity Krissada Sukosol Clapp, together with globally acclaimed architect and interior/landscape designer Bill Bensley, one of Architectural Digest’s ‘Top 100 Designers and Most Creative People’.
Inspiration & palette
With art in mind for the Main Residence, lead architect Khemvadee Paopanlerd drew inspiration from Paris’ Musée d’Orsay, stating that “My work is an expression of how I wish the world could be: serene, lush in natural beauty, yet quite simple.”
To emphasise this, a muted colour scheme of black, white, cream, grey and neutrals has been combined with natural textures such as wood, weave, leather and stone, not to mention sprawling gardens and verdant shrubs throughout.
The overall setting reflects the period of Bangkok’s greatest grandeur, under King Rama V (circa 1853-1910), with Art Deco accents.
Of The Siam, Bill says: “My studio team has designed some 150 plus hotels and resorts worldwide and we have received many accolades. But I am most excited about The Siam, as I know it is going to turn heads on the competitive hospitality market of tomorrow.”
The Siam boasts a fully equipped gym with floor to ceiling mirrors and windows overlooking a peaceful, neighbouring monastery.
State of the art Life Fitness and Octane equipment feature along side original Art Deco gymnasium doors, vintage sports posters and leather punching bags.
Release stress by striking out in our private Muay Thai boxing ring or stretch your body and your horizons peacefully on our verdant roof terrace adjoining the gym through yoga or tai chi.
Take the opportunity to try out our daily complimentary sessions, enquire about specialist workshops or book private sessions customized to your individual needs by our personal fitness trainers.
Location: Main Residence, lobby level
Dimension: 120sqm / 1300sqf
‘Muay’ is a traditional Thai sport and one of The Siam’s specialties. The word ‘Muay’ derived from Sanskrit means ‘to bind together’. It is referred to as the Art of 8 Limbs because of its use of punches, kicks, elbows and knee strikes. Muay Thai is not simply a fighting sport, it also helps to increase your fitness and emotional condition.
The Siam’s gymnasium is the first professionally equipped, luxury Muay Thai gym in Bangkok.
The Sukosol Hotels group comprises The Sukosol, Bangkok; Siam Bayshore, Pattaya; The Bayview, Pattaya and two new developments, The Siam, Bangkok and Wave, Pattaya.
Formerly known as Siam Hotels & Resorts, our family name was chosen to parlay our past success and hard-earned respect into a new consolidated brand and philosophy. Whereby our mission is to bring to the world the best collection of bespoke and soulful hotels in Thailand.
Each hotel has a style and character of its own, imbued with art, design and a harmonious blend of East and West; yet all of them share a service philosophy of genuine care and down-to-earthness – “a luxury you can touch”.
The Siam Hotel Bangkok曼谷暹羅旅館
地址:Khao, Wachira Phayaban, Dusit, Bangkok,Thailand
TEL::+66 2 206 6999
住宿時間:登記入住時間: 14 : 00 ,辦理退房時間: 12 : 00
為使客人感到賓至如歸,暹羅洒店盡一切努力提供最優質的服務和最優良的設施。飯店擁有一系列特色服務,例如:所有房型皆附免費WiFi, 24小時前台服務, 24小時客房服務, 快速入住/退房服務, 可寄放行李。
在這裡,您能真切的感受最極致的舒適住宿體驗,客房提供WiFi(免費),頂級套房有私人泳池, 禁菸房, 空調, 陽台/露台,給住客更完整的服務。飯店娛樂設施豐富多樣,包括健身房, 桑拿三溫暖, 室外游泳池, Spa, 按摩等。一流的設施與得天獨厚的地理位置都讓暹羅洒店成為曼谷旅遊時的最佳留宿飯店。
責任編輯: Jacky Yang (Taiwan)
文: Gabbana LIN (TAIWAN)
採訪協力:The Siam Hotel Bangkok曼谷暹羅旅館
文章採訪: 2015 Bangkok 曼谷