國際奢華展(ILTM JAPAN 2015)日本紀行在京都國立博物館展開序幕,這次的參展主題著眼在日本的現代奢華旅遊,同時尋求國際奢華旅遊的旅人,在日本、甚至在世界都在追求著什麼樣的趨勢?在這次的奢華展上,主辦單位找來了解日本文化以及經濟策略視野的專家等人,完整地揭露日本的奢華旅遊市場。(內含HD影音)
今年奢華展大家關注的重點包括安縵終於開設了第一間在城市的酒店-Aman Tokyo;The Ritz-Carlton Kyoto依然以其坐擁京都鴨川、以及融合古都美學的設計,堪稱是關西奢華酒店之冠;泰國普吉島的Iniala以豪華渡假村之姿、將頂級服務進行到極致!馬爾地夫依舊是世界奢華旅遊大熱門,有兩間酒店集團也來到ILTM日本進行完整的說明。
場景來到京都的SODOH Higashiyma(由日本知名畫家竹內栖鳳的舊宅改建而成的義大利餐廳),ILTM在這棟充滿文藝風格的場域裡,不但請來包括日本在內的世界奢華旅遊精英、來為大家解說,同時也提供了了一個極有氛圍的場域,讓奢華旅遊界的人士彼此聯誼。
「擁有豐富的歷史文化以及傳統,日本的多元文化、對於追求奢華旅行的人而言,是當前最IN的選擇。」ILTM 資深策展主席Alison Gilmore表示,選擇在日本辦展的原因還有,日本人也是世界第三大奢華旅遊的族群,對頂級旅遊市場有指標性的意義,她同時也對亞洲奢華旅遊前景表示十分樂觀。
今年主要的參與者包括Aman Resorts(安縵旅館集團), Iniala(泰國普吉島最奢華的Resort), Rize-Carton Hotel Company(麗思卡爾頓酒店管理集團), Waldorf-Astoria(華爾道夫酒店集團)、Silversea Cruises(銀海郵輪), Viceroy Maldives(馬爾地夫viceroy度假酒店)、紐西蘭旅遊局、泰國旅遊局…。
“透過參與ILTM的展覽,是我們唯一接觸到目標顧客族群的方法。”希爾頓酒店集團旗下最頂級的品牌華爾道夫亞太銷售總經理Samuel M. Chamberlain表示。
日本的本地參展者則包括The Ryokan Collection(日本旅館聯盟), The Art of Travel and luxury properties from Kyoto and Nara(京都以及奈良旅遊局)…等,京都市長門川大作也親自出席開幕酒會,力挺ILTM JAPAN。
另外,泰國的奢華旅遊也在近年崛起,特別有一間位於泰國普吉島的Iniala Beach House,也以其頂級奢華resorts的面貌引起大家的注意!以每次得住宿兩晚、每晚 NTD.80000元起的天價來吸引頂級族群,”我們擁有全世的Resort中、最獨一無二的服務!”Iniala International CEO DANNY DRINKWATER表示。
而最大的賣點便是其如貴族般的服務!Iniala Beach House酒店坐落在Natai Beach,設有1個室外游泳池和1間餐廳,距離普吉機場(Phuket Airport)有20公里。客人可享受免費的機場接送服務,每幢獨一無二的別墅都擁有服務團隊,包括司機、水療治療師、別墅總管、管家和1名廚師。Iniala Beach House酒店設有私人海灘區、健身中心和遊戲室。客人可在酒店內或周邊地區享受私密騎自行車和划艇等活動的樂趣。特別的是顧客也可在餐廳品味米其林主廚的烹調或當地海鮮美食。
馬爾地夫的旅遊依然是世界奢華旅遊的大熱門!豪華泳池別墅Velaa Private Island43幢私人別墅均有私人泳池,其中18幢建於水上,此外還有需要乘船來往主島的四間房Velaa Private Residence。其中3間餐廳由米其林星級名廚Adeline Grattard主理,水上餐廳Aragu & Cru Champagne Lounge可讓客人品嚐香檳;Tavaru鐵板燒則位於象牙色塔型建築內,非常特別。
除一般水上活動外,潛水中心提供基本水底遊覽,另有「半潛艇探險之旅」或私人船艇觀光。酒店更設立短桿高爾夫球學院,場地由兩次大師賽冠軍Jose Maria Olazabal設計,由Troon Golf負責營運,為高球愛好者提供一展身手的機會。
2012年開幕的Viceroy Maldives渡假村運用島上渾然天成的自然風光及人文風格,以簡約時尚的元素建構渡假村,現代感的品味加上天然樸實的材料和幾何圖案來設計。驚人的藍色潟湖包圍著61棟大坪數的獨立的別墅,提供絕對隱密舒適的私人空間。
他們還大手筆建造的7棟水上SPA 水療室,採用歐洲御用有機、抗老護膚產品,英國Ila及瑞士Valmont。針對兒童推出的 ”兒童俱樂部”,讓親子同行的父母無後顧之憂。
部分文章摘錄自Gostelow Report Live
Taking place on Monday 16 March at Kyoto National Musuem, the scene-setting Opening Forum at ILTM Japan will draw together the views of an economist and strategist, a Japanese culture expert and a panel of luxury travel leaders to provide new insight into the state of modern luxury in Japan, what international luxury travellers seek when they visit the country and the distinctive needs of the Japanese luxury traveller abroad.
Alison Gilmore, Senior Exhibition Director at ILTM Japan says:
“Rich in history, culture and tradition; Japan is a cultivated choice for the switched-on luxury traveller. This year, we are delighted to welcome a series of experts to the ILTM Japan Opening Forum to explore the distinctive landscape of luxury culture in Japan, and the inimitable tastes of an elite class of switched-on Japanese travellers, who come from the 3rd largest travel market overall.”
The only one of its kind, the third edition of ILTM Japan will take place from 16 – 18 March, at SODOH Higashiyma, Kyoto and again supported by the City of Kyoto and the Japan Tourism Agency. At the heart of the event is a bespoke, one-to-one appointment programme, which allows attendees to take part in a schedule of meetings with buyers and suppliers from Japan as well as the rest of the world.
Japan strategist Jesper Koll will begin the Opening Forum by taking the audience on an economic tour of Japan. His presentation will examine the economic developments that he perceives will be instrumental in shaping policy in the coming 5 years, highlighting the opportunities and risks for the Japanese inbound and outbound luxury travel industry.
The panel discussion that closes the Forum will address what today’s travellers look for when they choose to visit Japan. The panel will comprise Satomi Kurabayashi, the Editor of Japan’s premium luxury travel magazine – CREA Traveller; Chris Kucway, Editor of Travel + Leisure South East Asia; Susumu Ohta, Japanese publisher and travel expert and leading US travel agent Erina Pindar.International exhibitors at ILTM Japan 2015 include Aman Resorts, Iniala, Regnum Carya Golf & Spa Resort, Silversea Cruises, Tourism New Zealand and Viceroy Maldives. Japanese exhibitors include the newly opened Andaz Tokyo Toranomon Hills, The Ryokan Collection, The Art of Travel and luxury properties from Kyoto and Nara.
At the request of Reed Travel Exhibitions, organiser of ILTM - gives inside stories on the personalities and happenings here at ILTM Japan 2015 in Kyoto. This year there are 48 exhibitors, of whom 28 are Japanese. There are also 55 buyers, of whom 25 are Japanese (the others come from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Hong Kong, Italy, Malaysia, Russia, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK, Ukraine and the USA).
Alison Gilmore commented:
“The Japanese outbound luxury travel market is set to boom – a new middle class is leading to a significant increase in purchasing power, the government is stable, Japanese business is strong and wages are rising. International luxury travel brands looking to ‘bridge the gap’ in meeting and understanding the growing numbers of new, wealthy Japanese travellers, need look no further than attending ILTM Japan 2016.”
Waldorf-Astoria Director, Asia-Pacific Sam Chamberlain adds that ILTM Japan is “the only way to gain access to Japanese buyers.” Other international brands attending were also delighted with the discerning buyers from Japan with whom they met.
Nuria Munoz of Barcelona Turisme comments: “ILTM Japan has been a great opportunity to build relationships with Japanese buyers – both known to us as well as new contacts: it is this level of personal contact that is so important to us.”
Ryokan Collection's Yuki Hibino, accompanied here by L'Hotel du Lac's Hidekazu Tanaka, Nakanobo Zuien's Toshio Ayai, Otozure's Kazuhiro Otani and Ryokan Kurashi's Ritsuko Nakamura. The 11-year old Collection now has 28 luxury ryokans: prices usually include dinner (drinks extra), breakfast and service, per person rather than room – some include onsen baths. Check if kids are allowed: the 52-room Nakanobo Zuien, an hour's drive from Osaka at Arima Hot Spring, is among the adult-only products. Other ideas for Thailand are available at the Tourism Authority of Thailand table.
Tourism Authority of Thailand(TAT) Executive Director Ms. Srisuda Wanapinyosak
Aman Tokyo – which Forum speaker Craig Dale says is his most exciting travel find of 2015 - has its official opening this very night, hosted by Chairman Vladislav Doronin. The 84-room hotel is Aman's first city hotel, its first vertical building, and the first to have elevators. Its 33rd floor lobby soars up, like a giant paper balloon, through four floors. The whole thing is laden with wow factors, from watching the sun set over Mount Fuji as you swim in the 100-ft pool through to exact provenance of the hotel's butter (a Jersey cow called Aman-anda).
The Ritz-Carlton Kyoto is also into swords – it offers guests a Samurai Experience, which includes wearing traditional costume as you learn basic kenbu, sword-dance, moves. The 134-room hotel, run by GM Yuji Tanaka, won best design, bedrooms and bathrooms.
The Ritz-Carlton Tokyo recently had Mark Zuckerberg staying, and he was up at 4.30 one morning to run over to Tsukiji fish market – like him, many guests thoroughly appreciate guided tours, and possibly choosing the actual just-caught seabream, Japan's celebration fish.
Conrad, Waldorf Astoria has been the birthplace of iconic culinary inventions that have inspired chefs since the hotel's founding in 1931. Eggs benedict, red velvet cake, Waldorf salad and Thousand Island dressing were all created at the Waldorf Astoria New York.
Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts has teamed up with the illustrious James Beard Foundation to find the next Taste of Waldorf Astoria. Five emerging chefs - James Beard Semi-finalists – will dispatch to five Waldorf Astoria properties around the globe to apprentice with a Waldorf Master Chef.
In the first months of 2015, the Waldorf Astoria Master Chefs and James Beard Semi-finalists will come together in New York to prepare their dishes for a panel of culinary luminaries. The Taste that prevails will be featured on the menu at 29 Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts worldwide.
Experienced Maldivian travel and tourism professional Ahmed Siyam Mohamed has renamed his Sun Group as Sun Siyam – learn more from Hydee Cruz, specifically showing two resorts, the newly-opened 34-villa Sun Siyam Pasikudah, in Sri Lanka, GM Ibrahim Rasheed, and the 221-villa Sun Siyam Iru Fushi, Maldives (GM Abdulla Thamheed) – 70 of the villas are over-water, there are 14 restaurants and bars, and a 20-room Spa by Thalgo .
Velaa Private Island, also in the Maldives, has a MyBlend by Clarins super-spa (have you seen its sibling spa at Raffles Royal Monceau in Paris?). Velaa, which is owned by a Czech banker, has 43 villas, and GM Igor Dolezel – another Czech banker, not coincidentally – really stresses personalised service. Every evening, staff are given photos and details of tomorrow's arrivals .
Viceroy Maldives, a 17-acre island in Shaviyani Atoll has white sandy beaches and palm-fringed surroundings – choose between a beach villa, or a water villa above the vivid blue lagoon. The Yabu Pushelberg-designed villas (total 61, from 200 sq m up) have plunge pools and outdoor private spaces. Snorkel, kayak, waterski, windsurf, deep-sea fish or retreat to a deserted island. Back at base, try a Middle Eastern-inspired treehouse lounge, and Generation V offers junior cooking classes and more to the four to 12-year olds. Elsewhere, Viceroy, which already has that amazing over-Formula-One-track Yas hotel in Abu Dhabi, has recently announced projects in Algarve, Cartagena Colombia and on Dubai's Palm Jumeirah.
Nara, capital of Japan from 710 to 784, lent its name to the Nara Period and the city, under an hour from Kyoto or Osaka, has stunning temples, known collectively as the Nanto Shichi Daiji. Nara & Beyond's Ikuyo Hamaji proposes not only cultural and historical attractions but a selection of fantastic hotels and ryokans, and lots of nature.
The 12-room Noborioji, GM Masanori Shima, at the gateway to Nara Park, has received Michelin Kansai 2015's top comfort rating – Yoichi Kawasaki can fill you in on the hotel and its celebrated cuisine.
責任編輯: Jacky Yang (TAIWAN)
Editor-in-Chief:Jadon Lin(HK)
Full Senior Editor:Lathan Wu (HK)
Associate Senior Editor :Jacky Yang (TW)
Editor : :Gong kin Yang (TW)
Senior Reporter:Gabbana(TW)
採訪協力:ILTM (International Luxury Travel Market )
文章採訪: 2015 Kyoto京都