午後,陽光斜斜地透過玻璃天頂撒入室內,我坐在白色籐椅沙發上,一邊啜飲著茶、一邊感受著Author's Lounge百年的殖民建築的風韻,置於其中,不自覺地優雅了起來;夜晚,我步入了重新裝修的Bamboo Bar,喝著Bartender為我精心特調的雞尾酒,時間彷彿停駐在曼谷文華東方酒店裡,愜意地讓人流連忘返。(內含HD影音直擊)
Author's Residence是一棟兩層樓的建築,擁有138年歷史的「她」,卻絲毫不受歲月的侵擾,依然清新美麗。襯著翠綠的竹子和棕梠樹,讓象牙白色系的裝潢顯得高貴典雅!
一樓是非常知名的下午茶室Author's Lounge,是為了紀念多年來曾踏入曼谷文華東方酒店大門的知名作家而命名。
二樓則是許多名流文豪曾經入住的Author's Wing(作家翼),如果想要參觀這裡的”歷史走廊”,得特別跟酒店事先預約。
這裡的下午茶有兩種選擇,一種是傳統的Traditional set、另一種是泰式的下午茶,都是三層的點心再附上茶品。
另一款Thai set,
文華主打的是Mariage Frères紅茶,Mariage Frères是來自法國的百年品牌,為文華精心特調的茶品,一入口就可以感覺非常順口,搭配英式茶點剛剛好,不過另外也有伯爵茶、奶茶…等選擇。
下午茶時段,通常會有表演者用吉他演奏深情款款的樂曲,別忘了一邊品茶、一邊感受Author's Lounge營造出來的優雅浪漫的氣息!(據說這位表演者,已經在此表演近二十年了。)
相較於無人不知的 Authors’ Wing,Bamboo Bar也是文華東方重要的地標,因為它結合了熱情、醉人優雅、以及東方酒店和曼谷豐富歷史的神髓。
酒保非常貼心地先詢問我的口味,我說想要微酸微甜、中等酒精濃度,然後一杯名為” Avant-garde”清爽的招牌雞尾酒就端上來了,我在此喝著bartender的愛心調酒、聆聽著爵士樂,舒緩了一整天旅途的疲憊。
從 1953 年默默無名到現在,Bamboo Bar 的規模和名氣與日俱增,在 2014 年底,酒吧暫停營業,作大型翻新、重組、重塑全新的 Bamboo Bar,同時也保留了獨特的歷史和風格。
雞尾酒單上保留了 Khun Sompong Boosri 原創的 Bamboo Bar 精選,以及忠於傳統配方調製的經典飲品。Mirko 原創新品是集合傳統與現代風格,完美調和的大師級飲品,絕對配得上稱爲傳奇。調酒類區分為異域香甜(Exotic & Sweet)、摩登迷惑(Sophisticated & Contemporary)、成熟穩重(Mature & Robust)以及芳醇水果(Fruity & Mellow)等系列,特別推薦兩款如下:
The Bamboo Bar Negroni THB $490
自家製焦糖杜松子酒 - Antica Formula Vermouth、紅苦艾酒及金巴利、冰球、柑橙味金巴利
Avant-garde THB$ 590
Hendrick’s 琴酒、杜松子酒、Mariage Fréres 洋甘菊花茶、龍舌蘭糖漿、鮮青檸汁、泰國青瓜、Fleur de Sel 氣泡、蒔蘿、通心粉
2006 年國際 Hendrick’s 邀請賽得獎作品
On the ground floor of the Authors’ Wing, this lounge enjoys old colonial charm with white-washed rattan furniture, Siamese umbrellas and graceful bamboo and palm trees. It is considered to be a city institution for traditional English afternoon tea with scones, finger sandwiches and cakes and the world’s finest teas.
The Authors' Lounge is located in the original part of Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok, known as the Authors' Wing. Its name is tribute to the many famous writers who have stepped through the doors of the hotel throughout its existence.
Due to popular demand for private events we respectfully recommend you check availability prior to your visit. When the Authors Lounge is not available due to private events Afternoon Tea will be served from 12pm in the Lobby Lounge.
Traditional English afternoon tea at Mandarin Oriental,Bangkok’s legendary Authors’ Lounge now comes with a generous serving of the hotel’s unparalleled heritage.
You are invited to enjoy a tour ‘The Oriental Journey’, a permanent exhibition which chronicles a collection of memorabilia and photographs of this famed hotel’s 138-year history.
Participants will also receive a copy of ‘The Oriental Bangkok’book, which details the history of the hotel.
The guided tour of ‘The Oriental Journey’ takes place onTuesdays between 15h00 and 17h00 for prior reservations and in-house guests.Afternoon tea options include traditional, Thai and vegetarian sets, served with a fine selection of coffees and MariageFrères teas.
All ‘Tea and History’ tea sets include a copy of ‘The Oriental Bangkok’ book, which details the history of the hotel, and are priced at THB 2,250 per person, or THB 2,790 per person including one glass of Louis Roederer Premiere Brut. Prices are subject to 17,7% service charge and VAT
Bamboo Bar
The Bamboo Bar is a landmark that personifies the passion, seductive elegance and spirit of both The Oriental Hotel and Bangkok’s rich history.
From humble beginnings in 1953 in what is now the hotel’s renowned Authors’ Wing, The Bamboo Bar grew in size and reputation to become an international legend. In late 2014, the bar closed for an extensive renovation, intended to propel this iconic establishment into the future whilst preserving its unique history and unique character.
Welcome to the new Bamboo Bar - refreshed, remixed and reinvented.
Award winning mixologist Mirko Gardelliano is the driving force behind the beverage and liquor concept. Khun Sompong Boosri’s Bamboo Bar Originals retain their Signature status on the cocktail list, along with the Classics that are mixed according to their original recipes. Mirko’s new Originals - masterful blends of legacy and tradition with modernity and innovation - are set to become legends in their own right.
曼谷文華東方酒店(Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok)
地址: 48 Oriental Ave, Bang Rak, Bangkok
TEL::+ 66 2 659 9000
Authors' Lounge
中午 12 時至晚上 8 時
Author's Lounge下午茶
下午茶THB $ 1450(泰式和英式)(一人份)
The Bamboo Bar
下午 5 時至淩晨 1 時(星期日至星期四)
下午 5 時至淩晨 2 時(星期五及星期六)
9pm - 12 am (Sun to Thu)
9pm - 1am (Fri & Sat)
另需支付 10% 的服務費與政府稅7.7%
良好印象Thailand food &HOTEL
責任編輯:Jacky Yang(Taipei)
Editor-in-Chief:Jadon Lin(HK)
Full Senior Editor:Lathan Wu (HK)
Associate Senior Editor :Jacky Yang (TW)
Editor : :Gong kin Yang (TW)
Senior Reporter:Gabbana(TW)
採訪協力:曼谷文華東方酒店(Mandarin Oriental,Bangkok)
文章採訪: 2015 Bangkok 曼谷