奢華酒店如果大略來分,有一種是體驗其新派、潮流的設計,而新加坡The Fullerton Hotel則是屬於後一種,由於其建築本身、及所在地集豐富的歷史文化於一身,所以樂趣也在於你可以優游在古今之間,深刻感受其人文景觀。(內含HD影音介紹)
早期的浮爾頓大樓是由上海建築公司keys asd dowdeswell在1928年所建,坐落在熙熙攘攘的新加坡河口,原本就是非常受矚目的地標建築,曾經是全國郵政總局、股市交易所、…新加坡俱樂部等所在地,一直扮演著舉足輕重的角色。
同時室內設計師Hirsch Bedner以充滿現代感的時尚元素融入,房間內再勾勒出簡潔明快的線條,再配上獨家訂製的浴室設備,身處氣勢磅礡的建築物其中,卻備感親新舒適,毫無違和感,是這間酒店非常成功的地方。
富麗敦酒店最特別的是各種房間窗外景觀各有不同,譬如Quay room,抬頭望向窗外便是新加坡河的美景;Collyer Suites房間設計結合亞洲和英國殖民風格,套房面向酒店庭園,彷若置身綠色樹林中。
特別的是The Straits Club(海峽俱樂部),位於酒店的四樓,提供28間套房全天候的專人服務,而且分別在早晚都有提供香檳服務。
The Straits Club還供應早餐、下午茶、開胃小菜及雞尾酒等,因此即是整天不出酒店房門,也可以在此享有最好的服務,是度假的絕佳選擇!
夜晚的Fullerton Hotel更是非常有情調,讓我流連忘返,恍若搭乘時光機,回到那個夜夜笙歌的美好年代。
Fullerton Building
The Fullerton Building was named after Robert Fullerton, the first Governor of the Straits Settlements (1826–1829). Commissioned in 1919 as part of the British colony's centennial celebrations, the building was designed as an office building by Major P.H. Keys of Keys & Dowdeswell, a Shanghai firm of architects, which won the project through an architectural design competition. The architectural firm also designed the Capitol Theatre and the Singapore General Hospital.
The Fullerton Building was opened on 27 June 1928 by the Governor, Sir Hugh Clifford, who suggested the building be named after Robert Fullerton. The building had five founding tenants: the General Post Office, The Exchange, Singapore Club (now Singapore Town Club), the Marine Department, and the Import and Export Department (later the Ministry of Trade and Industry).
It also housed the Chamber of Commerce, and various government departments dealing with agriculture, fisheries and forestry.While the building's exterior has been conserved, the developers had also to transform the interior into a five-star hotel.
The room on the fourth storey, where the British Governor was first told of the British military's decision to surrender to the Japanese during World War II, was converted to an exclusive lounge. The room has a barrel-vaulted, coffered ceiling, which is the only one of its kind in Singapore.
The Fullerton Building was designed for natural ventilation before the age of air-conditioning; one of the architectural devices used to provide this was the internal air-wells. There were four air-wells along the central longitudinal axis, divided by three internal bays of offices, linking the front façade with the rear. It was the largest and the last example of this kind of architecture in Singapore. As air-conditioning became increasingly common, the air-wells became redundant.
Two parallel sets of guest rooms now ring the hotel's central triangular sky-lit atrium. One row faces out towards the harbour and the tall buildings of the central business district. The rooms of the inner ring have views of the courtyard in the centre of the building.
There is an indoor garden over the old Straits Club at the centre of the atrium which can double as a venue for cocktails. The main entrance into the hotel, where dignitaries and celebrities are received, is covered with a large glass canopy at the porch.
The Fullerton Hotel Singapore has 400 rooms and suites which either overlook the atrium courtyard, or face downtown Singapore's skyline, the Singapore River promenade or the Marina Bay.
The hotel has a 25-metre outdoor infinity swimming pool, fitness centre and a luxury spa. It also has five food and beverage outlets. For business travellers, the hotel has a 24-hour financial centre with the Bloomberg Professional service that provides financial reports and world news, and 15 meeting rooms equipped with conference facilities
新加坡富麗敦(浮爾頓)酒店 The Fullerton Hotel
地址:1 Fullerton Square, Singapore
電話:+ 65 6733 8388
住宿時間:登記入住時間: 14 : 00 ,辦理退房時間: 12 : 00
新加坡飯店於入住時,需另外繳交住宿押金每一間房為SGD $ 100(視房型)或信用卡試刷,在酒店無額外消費於退房時會全額退回
責任編輯: Jacky Yang (Taiwan)
文: Aileen Chen(Singapore)、Gabbana LIN (TAIWAN)
影音、攝影:Jacky yang
採訪協力: 新加坡富麗敦(浮爾頓)酒店 The Fullerton Hotel
文章採訪: 2015 Singapore 新加坡