什麼是真正頂級奢華的飯店?只要走一趟上海華爾道夫酒店(Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund)就可以見分曉!變身為今日外灘五星級酒店酒店的Waldorf,它不僅保留了34米長的「遠東第一吧」,連大理石地磚、雕刻花紋的穹頂、裝飾性的木護牆和老式的三角電梯,都根據史實,一一修復、回復往昔的風華!(內含影音介紹)
上海華爾道夫分為新樓與會所兩部分。會所坐落在著名的上海總會(Shanghai Club)舊址,讓這座”新古典風格”的傳統建築重獲新生,它保存了其在紐約的Le Grand Dame(貴婦)元素,將奢華發揮至極致。
客廳設有寬敞的沙發和會客空間,裝飾成古典的歐洲風格,還陳列了精選的 Christoflé玻璃器皿和銀器,設有最新的LED平面螢幕、條形音箱和內置藍光DVD播放機,突出了現代風格和古典風格的融合。
酒店大樓高24層,讓賓客可居高俯瞰外灘堤岸、黃浦江及浦東鬧市的繁華盛景。羿庭(Peacock Alley)是連接兩座大樓的雅致長廊,兩旁為高級餐廳及酒廊,盡覽靜謐愜意的庭院景色。
客房飾以冷調的自然色和淡藍色的輕薄布簾,以及流線型的雪橇式床,無一不反映了HBA 設計的現代美感。然而,新樓客房內的鮮明的天花板板條、盥洗室內的大白花大理石等古典元素,依然保留了維多利亞時期的建築血統。
古典氛圍之餘,現代科技的卻又展現在房間內所有的控制系統中。廁所使用的馬桶是 TOTO 最頂級的全自動馬桶,馬桶蓋會感應自動開闔,自動沖水,沖屁屁等其他功能則是使用「遙控器」來控制。
沐浴用品是義大利精品品牌Salvatore Ferragamo
上海外灘華爾道夫酒店的新樓和歷史古跡建築外部的建築建造均在美國公司John Portman & Associates的監督下進行,創造出亞洲奢侈酒店品牌中標誌性建築,並使之成為上海這座現代大都市最具特色的地標建築之一。
The exquisite English Renaissance-style building was constructed in 1910 and opened as the now-legendary Shanghai Club (which was Shanghai's most exclusive gentlemen's club in the 1920s and 30s during the Pearl of the Orient heyday). Still one of the finest architectural gems along Shanghai’s waterfront promenade, the whitewashed façade of the new Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund is adorned with Palladium columns, intricate gables and a pair of sculpted rooftop cupolas. The interiors – including the original Sicilian marble columns and stained glass imported from Birmingham, England – have been painstakingly restored through extensive use of archived photographs and records.
Waldorf Astoria Hotel renovation of this historic and prestigious social club will continue the Shanghai Club’s legacy of refined indulgence, while equipping the building with the luxury amenities demanded by today’s discerning traveler. The new hotel will comprise 271 rooms across two buildings. The charming heritage building will be connected via a courtyard to a modern tower bordered by Sichuan Road. HBA’s design will encompass both buildings including the lobby lounge, guest and meeting rooms, restaurants and bars, as well as the swimming pool, health club and spa.
The Waldorf Astoria on the Bund will revive a much-loved Shanghai institution. Like its cherished predecessor, the Shanghai Club, it will capture the spirit of 1930s Shanghai and become a bastion of civility and style for the refined modern traveler.
For this project, they applied its joint expertise in historical restoration and in designing the most elegant of interior architectures to transform a derelict building into a pristine and glittering destination that harmonizes period authenticity with ultra-luxury. In the process, they has created something new and timeless: an authentic space, true to yet far exceeding the original, and worthy of the Waldorf Astoria name.
About Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts
Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts is a portfolio of iconic, landmark destination properties in the world’s most sought after locations. From elegant, timeless properties to new developments, Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts each possess the inspirational environments, unparalleled guest service and uniquely authentic moments that add up to an unforgettable experience. From sumptuous culinary excellence to world-class golf and spas, each hotel & resort offers luxuriously appointed accommodations and signature experiences. Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts has grown to more than 20 hotels and resorts in the world’s most extraordinary destinations. Waldorf Astoria is a global luxury brand of Hilton Worldwide.
上海外灘華爾道夫酒店(Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund)
No.2 Zhongshan Dong Yi Road
TEL:+86 21 6322-9988
住宿時間:登記入住時間: 15 : 00 ,辦理退房時間: 12 : 00
中國飯店於入住時,需另外繳交住宿押金每一間房為RMB $ 1000(視房型)或信用卡試刷,在酒店無額外消費於退房時會全額退回
責任編輯:Jacky Yang(Taipei)
Editor-in-Chief:Jadon Lin(HK)
Full Senior Editor:Lathan Wu (HK)
Associate Senior Editor :Jacky Yang (TW)
Manager Editor : :Cathy Chao (TW)
Senior Reporter:Gabbana(TW)
文章採訪: 2015 SHANGHAI 上海