在2015年全球奢華旅遊界最關注的:亞洲國際奢華旅展International Luxury Travel Market(ILTM Asia)中,頂級奢華品牌華爾道夫酒店及度假村將在美國、中國及東南亞持續拓點;而獨立酒店聯盟如Design Hotels(時尚設計旅店)、preferred hotels & resorts(璞富騰酒店及渡假村)、Relais & Châteaux、(蘿萊夏朵)、及The Leading Hotels of the world (全球領導酒店聯盟)、Small Luxury Hotels of the World(世界小型奢華酒店)…則持續在全球增長中。
The Siam Bangkok
圖為Anthony Ross, executive vice-president of Preferred Hotels and Resorts
preferred是全球最大的獨立酒店品牌,涵蓋全球85個國家和地區超過650多家頂級酒店、度假村、公寓以及獨特的酒店集團。璞富騰酒店及度假村有綜合品質保證計畫 (Integrated Quality Assurance Program),確保每間酒店的高品質和水準的服務。包括泰國曼谷的The Siam以及Okura Prestige Bangkok都可以驗證其品牌的高標準!
Design Hotels為全球超過50個國家、280家酒店從事代理與行銷工作。每一家酒店反映出酒店業者"原創"的理想願景,如滿懷好客熱情,文化精隨,引人入勝的設計與建築。Design Hotels於1993年由Claus Sendlinger所創建,提供會員酒店旅遊產業獨到的見解,包括從市場趨勢諮詢到國際行銷代理。公司總部位於柏林,分公司分佈於倫敦、巴塞隆納、紐約與新加坡。
羅萊夏朵(RELAIS & CHATEAUX)是一個全球公認的頂級品牌,其成員機構均獨立經營,既有特色精品酒店又有美食家餐廳。從1954年創建時巴黎至尼斯7號國道沿線的8家酒店,發展到今天成為一個旗下擁有520家成員機構,遍佈五大洲五十多個國家的國際化品牌。羅萊夏朵完美結合傳統精華與現代創意,自然魅力與奢華享受,力求傳承法式優雅生活方式,其對餐飲的重視,讓集團旗下美食家餐廳成員總共擁有300 多顆米其林星星。
The Puli Hotel And Spa Shanghai(上海璞麗酒店)
The Leading Hotels of the world成立於 2004 年,全球酒店聯盟為世界知名的獨立酒店品牌聯盟,擁有超過300間會員酒店,遍佈全球52個國家。每間酒店均提供結合獨特地方色彩、生活風格及文化的設施及服務,中國的The Puli Hotel And Spa、杭州富春山居Fuchun Resort… 皆為其代表酒店。
Grand Hotel Stockholm酒店坐落於瑞典皇宮和老城區對面的海濱上,距離中央火車站有1公里。酒店提供精緻的餐飲,豪華免費水療中心和免費無線網絡連接。
Grand酒店的空調隔音客房配有液晶衛星電視,可以欣賞到庭院、城市或是海濱的景緻。酒店Restaurant Mathias Dahlgren餐廳曾被評為米其林( Michelin)2星和Mathias Dahlgren Matbaren1星。Grand Hôtel酒店擁有北歐水療&健身中心,配有健身器材及室內泳池…等。
華爾道夫酒店及度假村(Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts)未來將有多項發展計畫,包括於2017年開業的華爾道夫比佛利山莊酒店毗鄰Wilshire和Santa Monica大道交匯處,樓高12層,共有客房170間,將成為該品牌在美國西海岸的首家新酒店,並加入華爾道夫富有傳奇色彩的24家酒店和度假村組合。
精品品牌投資酒店也不遺餘力,LVMH集團通過對白馬精品酒店的投資發展,該酒店已落戶於Courchevel、馬爾地夫和聖巴特爾米等地,集團還計畫在巴黎新設一座白馬酒店(Cheval Blanc)。
在酒店業,世界上最大的奢侈品集團酩悅軒尼詩-路易威登集團發展較為慢。同行們十幾年前就開始運作了,Versace在1994年就在澳大利亞黃金海岸開了第一家五星級酒店Palazzo Versace,Donatella Versace也就成為了第一位開酒店的設計師。後來Amani、Missoni以及Bulgari陸續在世界各地美景之處圈地。
Small Luxury Hotels of the World對於不喜歡房間數太多的旅客而言,是絕佳的選擇
瑰麗酒店擁有多間風格獨一無二極致奢華的酒店,分佈於全球各大商務及旅遊目的地。旗下酒店均秉承A Sense of Place®的品牌理念,在設計、服務與設施等各方面充分展現酒店當地的歷史、建築、文化等獨特風情。包括紐約的The Carlyle, A Rosewood Hotel、達拉斯的Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek®及巴黎的Hôtel de Crillon, A Rosewood Hotel都別具特色。
部分文章摘自Gostelow Report Live –
Anthony Ross, executive vice-president of Preferred Hotels and Resorts, who has worked in China for seven years, said, "Young Chinese people rent cars and drive in Sri Lanka. They are going surfing in Bali, the Caribbean, and they are going all over the world."He said such customers are very international, speaking English and "perfectly" able to research online what to do and decide which hotels they prefer based on design, location and the experiences they offer. The group is very important, he said, and will grow even more quickly than it is now. Young Chinese are getting jobs earlier and want to see what the world has to offer.
"They want to learn from it and come back to China and use what they see and experience to help business, life, bring up a family," Ross said.
If food tops your luxury travel list, think Conrad Hong Kong (GM is foodie Thomas Hoeborn), whose 25th anniversary celebrations include a silver cake, and guest appearances by Chicago's Curtis Duffy in September, New York's Jungsik Yim in October and Tokyo's Shinya Maeda in November.
Hilton's Asia-luxury supremo, Samuel Chamberlain, is also representing Waldorf Astoria. At Waldorf Astoria Beijing, on the site of Xianliang Temple in Wangfujing, check Na Jia Garden, where grand minister Na Tong of the Qing Dynasty lived and welcomed Dr Sun Yat-Sen: the 171-room hotel, designed by Yabu Pushelberg, includes four hutong suites, and there is stunning modern art everywhere.
British Airways' EVP China, Richard Tams, was similarly set for a law career before temporarily joining the airline – 25 years ago. Now he handles Greater China, with direct routes to London Heathrow from Beijing, Chengdu, Hong Kong and Shanghai, all with two Chinese cabin crew aboard. Enroute to London, Chinese editions of High Life tempt high-end purchases, particularly appealing since it seems to be Chinese women who plan and control leisure trips - social media features such vignettes as English schools, plus Downton Abbey venues. BA is here with Visit Britain, and today Tams announces a partnership with the New West End Company, 'Bond Street By Appointment' – and, by the way, Chinese can pay for a 24-hour-turnround UK visa, which also allows travel on to Ireland
Little Nell is Relais&Châteaux, and its Residences are part of Relais' new Villas programme. Oh yes, the hotel has 19,500 wines plus 2,000 Burgundies ageing on property, and its next two-yearly own-label Champagne, by Robert Moncuis of Cuis, arrives next week in time for the annual Aspen Food & Wine.
The 283-room Rosewood Beijing had as its first guest, October 3rd, 2014, a somewhat-surprised Prince Andrew – he must have loved the club lounge's full-size billiards table. This is Beijing hang-out for the fashion world and, thanks to the sibling Rosewood Sand Hill in Menlo Park CA, the IT world, plus Rupert Murdoch2015 is, by the way, the year of Mexico-UK celebration, and among the offerings from Tequila Espíritu de México are tequila-themed tours, including travelling between Guadalajara and Tequila on the José Cuervo Express
In Stockholm, Marjorie Sundström is raving about the newly-opened Grand Hôtel's Nordic Spa & Fitness, which stresses wholesomeness/closeness to nature/ healthy & sustainable lifestyle. Also new this year is a redo of the lobby, its Carrera marble-floored lobby inspired by the hotel's 1874 grand opening. The former eighth floor Burmanska Palace has been recreated as a 3,300 sq ft Princess Lilian Suite, with two bedrooms, sauna, screening room, dining and terrace
Design Hotels™ represents and markets a curated selection of over 270 independent hotels in 50 countries across the globe. More than a collection of hotels, the company is a collection of stories. Each property reflects the ideas of a visionary hotelier, an "Original," someone with a passion for genuine hospitality, cultural authenticity, thought-provoking design and architecture.
Tim Reynolds – sadly not here, but represented by Anthony Dupont – must be an extraordinary man. Co-founder of Wall Street's Jane Street, moving $4 billion to $8 billion of shares a day, he was paralyzed while being chauffeured home from its first-ever Christmas party. Wheelchair-bound, he has poured millions into the philanthropy of art. Briefly, profits from the Ani Villas he owns 100% subsidize professional Àni Art Academies tuition for promising locals, whose works are often bought by Villas guests. Ani Villas are fully staffed and ideal for multi-generational or small group buy-outs. The original ten-suite Ani Villas Anguilla will be complemented later this year by Ani Villas Thailand (10 suites) and Ani Villas Sri Lanka (14 suites)
"Hotels should be living things not stuffy institutions" maintain Tim and Kit Kemp, owners of Firmdale Hotels. There are eight boutique hotels in London and one in New York. The high standards of excellence and unique townhouse style of decoration have over the years added up to a winning combination. Kit Kemp has designed the interiors of each hotel in her unique personal way which reflects a fresh, modern English style. She was named the Andrew Martin International Interior Designer of the Year in 2008 and has gone onto win many more accolades. Firmdale Hotels has received the Queens Award for Enterprise in 2000, 2006 and 2009, a recognition of its outstanding achievement to international trade. The New York Hotel is CROSBY STREET HOTEL .
責任編輯: Jacky Yang (TAIWAN)
Editor-in-Chief:Jadon Lin(HK)
Full Senior Editor:Lathan Wu (HK)
Associate Senior Editor :Jacky Yang (TW)
Manager Editor : :Chathy Chao (TW)
Senior Reporter:Gabbana(TW)
採訪協力:ILTM (International Luxury Travel Market )
文章採訪: 2015 Shanghai上海