
2015全球奢華旅遊界最關注的:亞洲國際奢華旅展International Luxury Travel Market(ILTM Asia)於6月4日在上海展開,這場為期四天的活動,總共吸引了來自亞太地區26個國家、500多名奢華旅遊買家、逾500位全球參展商及媒體…等,與會人士所關心的大中華旅遊市場、及新世代奢華旅遊的趨勢,在這次的展會上完整地被呈現。(內含HD影音)




 左為 Alison Gilmore,ILTM Senior Exhibition Director



超級旅遊者在2014年出境遊主題以休閒度假和極地探索為主,分別佔60%和28%;旅遊目的地多為歐洲(47%)和美洲(40%),東南亞和南北極也是熱門之選,均佔3成以上。未來三年,休閒度假和環遊世界成為超級旅遊者最期望的旅遊主題,分別佔42%和36%。其次是近年來熱度上升迅速的極地探索(32%)、和輕度冒險 (32%),可見超級旅遊者在嘗試新鮮事物和挑戰自我極限之餘,更希望在旅遊度假中獲得身心的放鬆,這與富豪們在過去一年更加忙碌、出國和出差次數增多有關。


ILTM主席資深策展主席Alison Gilmore表示,經過他們與胡潤研究院連續第5年合作發佈《華人奢華旅遊白皮書》(The Chinese Luxury Traveler 2015)中可以發現,全球的超級旅遊者多半來自亞洲,而且以中國、香港及台北成長最快,大中華區已成為全球高端旅遊中、最重要的市場!


而來自新加坡、重點對象為富裕的高端消費者的研究及顧問公司Agility Research & Strategy正好可以佐證ILTM的數據資料,根據該公司的總經理Amrita Banta表示,他們作的” Generation AAA”的報告,特別針對中國、香港、台灣、新加坡及印尼等國家,調查對象是18-34歲的年輕世代,具有經濟實力的旅遊超級消費者,針對他們的調查很重要,因是他們不但是現在、同時也是未來潛在的消費族群。



以中國及香港而言,前三名分別是購物(Shopping)、高檔美食及音樂會;在台灣則出現了有趣的變化,”高檔美食”(Fine Dining)是奢華旅遊中、他們花費最大的,其次才是購物及音樂會;在新加坡,第一名是購物外,廚藝班及SPA他們最感興趣的。


而中國旅客最想去的三個國家,分別是馬爾地夫、巴黎及杜拜;香港人則是首爾、東京及香港本地;台灣人則是東京、大阪、及巴黎;新加坡人則最喜歡印尼巴里島、新加坡本地及曼谷。而中國旅客奢華旅遊中、最想住的三間旅館分別是香格里拉(Shangri-La)、Hyatt及四季酒店(Four Seasons);香港人則是Sheraton、Marriot及Four Seasons。


台灣人的前三名Holiday Inn、Hyatt、Shangri-La、W hotel與Radisson並列第三;新加坡人則選擇Shangri-La、Mandarin Oriental(文華東方)、 Marina Bay Sands(濱海灣金沙酒店) 不過這些國家的超級旅遊者都有共通點,就是為了他們的奢華旅遊計畫而上網搜尋資料。

 文華東方大手筆收購西班牙馬德里的百年飯店Hotel Ritz


在今年的ILTM的大事件上,首先是文華東方國際有限公司(下稱文華東方)宣佈與沙烏地阿拉伯跨國集團The Olayan Group(下稱Olayan)合資,以1.3億歐元(約合8.86億元人民幣)收購位於馬德里的Hotel Ritz麗茲酒店。馬德里麗茲酒店於1910年首度開業,並設有167間客房,鄰馬德里市內金融商業地區、普拉多博物館(Prado Museum)以及麗池公園(Retiro Park)等著名文化景點。交易完成後,Hotel Ritz將於2017年進行大規模翻新,整個翻新工程將斥資約9000萬歐元(約合6億元人民幣)。文華東方就整個項目的投資額,包括用於收購、翻新及交易支出,共計約1.1億歐元(約合7.5億元人民幣)。Hotel Ritz將會以長期合約形式由文華東方管理。





印度洋畔歷史悠久的Le Touessrok度假酒店將於2015年4月15日起正式更名為模里西斯香格里拉度假酒店,並開始為期半年的全面翻新工程。客人自即日起便可預訂今年11月1日之後的入住預訂。屆時酒店所有客房和公共區域都將煥然一新,並把香格里拉著名的水療服務和高品質的餐飲理念引入模里西斯。




麗思卡爾頓酒店(Ritz-Carlton)除了澳門盛大開幕引來不少話題外,繼香港麗思卡爾頓在ICC的高樓建築外預計將登陸澳洲墨爾本,開始建設澳洲最高的酒店。 麗思卡爾頓酒店建成後,將比墨爾本當前高最高的酒店柯林斯聖索菲特(Collins St Sofitel)高幾乎30層。未來5年麗思卡爾頓在中國計畫再開15家,遍及澳門、三亞、西安、武漢、九寨溝等地。




Steven Pan, Chairman of Fih Regent Group

 董事長潘思亮表示,除了布局中國市場外,Regent在Fine Dining上的用心,從多次與名廚江振誠、日本UKEI集團等人合作所建立的口碑,讓晶華在高檔美食的市場佔有一席之地。另外他也強調,文化也是Regent深耕酒店的重要精神內涵,也陸續在旗下品牌中體現。



喜達屋酒店及度假村國際集團(Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc)得益於北美地區新的酒店業務,公司今年業績將實現增長,在歐洲市場,喜達屋計畫在今年較新開大量酒店,較過去9年的新開數量都要多。喜達屋表示,今年將新開大量豪華酒店,其數量將創2001年以來年度新開數量最高。該公司約75%的業績來源於高端酒店品牌,其中包括St. Regis和 W Hotels兩大品牌。


St. Regis  New  York  GM  Hermann W.Elger

在紐約,瑞吉酒店(St.Regis New York)以為上流社會的管家服務而聞名於世1998年喜達屋酒店集團收購以瑞吉酒店作為一個全新的酒店連鎖品牌。一個多世紀以來,瑞吉獲得了令人矚目的快速發展,旗下酒店及度假村遍及曼谷(Bangkok)新加坡(Singapore)、倫敦、舊金山、羅馬和巴厘島等多個迷人地點。



義大利精品寶格麗(BVLGARI)將於中國首都北京開設寶格麗酒店,預計將於 2017 年春天正式開幕,為品牌繼米蘭、峇里島、倫敦、上海(預計於 2016 年正式開業)之後的全球第 5 間豪華酒店。


圖左為 BVLGARI  RESORT BALI  GM  Santiago Sagaz,圖右為Melinda  Taylor

寶格麗北京酒店將坐落於北京的核心地段使館區,緊鄰第二使館區及北京時尚地標「三里屯」。酒店整體外觀與內部裝潢設計均由寶格麗及義大利建築師 Antonio Citterio 等共同打造,內部擁有 120 間客房和套房,並包含寶格麗酒吧、位於亮馬河畔面朝私屬公園的餐廳、擁有 25 公尺長游泳池的頂級 Spa ,以及超大面積的宴會廳。而酒店的週邊將環繞兩棟辦公大樓與一座當代藝術博物館,十足展現出獨特的義大利風情。



身為此次ILTM Asia主要贊助酒店之一的上海波特曼麗思卡爾頓酒店 (The Portman Ritz-Carton,Sganghai),由GM Derek A.Flint所領導的波特曼更是展現出絕佳的五星酒店服務與文化創意精神!在這次的奢華展上,給媒體帶來了許多有趣的項目,如教導孩子禮儀的法國卓爾貴族禮儀學院(Academie de Bernadac)、紳士服裝搭配、珠寶鑑定及上海年輕藝術家錢明輝,其自創品牌Coin甚至受到波特曼麗思卡爾頓酒店的欣賞與運用,為酒店帶來時尚又富藝術感的氣息

半島酒店集團 巴黎酒店受頂級客層矚目


隨著北京頂級酒店的競爭愈演愈烈,老牌奢華酒店集團半島The Peninsula決定於近期開始翻新集團位於王府井大街的北京王府半島酒店,目前在上海,半島酒店已站穩頂級五星酒店的腳步,而甫開幕的巴黎The Peninsula也備受頂級顧客矚目。半島酒店集團裡除了上海半島酒店總經理張榮耀、市場推廣部副總裁鄭兆偉、來自曼谷(Bangkok)的GM Katja Henke 、日本(Japan)GM Malcolm Thompson、國際銷售總監Alexandre Tuduri、大中華區行銷總監Sherona Lau...等人都來到ILTM Asia會場共襄盛舉.

Dubbed "Generation AAA" - referring to aspirational, ambitious and affluent - such customers aged between 18 and 34 have both the financial power and the "attitudinal and behavioral propensity" to travel and spend on luxury, said Amrita Banta, managing director of Agility Research and Strategy, which released the report in Shanghai on Tuesday, as part of International Luxury Travel Market Asia 2015.


 In the 10 years, since 2004, the average disposable income in China has grown 2.5 fold, creating a huge pool of Affluent consumers, much larger than any population in Europe.

 The newly affluent in Asia own luxury products and have already made trips to destinations near and far. Now, they are looking to incorporate their taste of luxury into their travel experiences.



Generation AAA

 •They are young – with ages ranging from 18 to 34 years

 •They dominate markets like

 •China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia and Singapore

 •They have the financial power and the ‘attitudinal and behavioral propensity’ to travel and spend on luxury

 •They are the super lucrative segment of the middle class – now and in the years to come

 •This report covers affluent (top 25%ile based on HHI) 18-34 year-old consumers in the following markets:


 The majority of Chinese Generation AAAs have an annual household disposable income of CNY180-506,000 (USD30-80K). The majority in Taiwan have an annual disposable income of NT$600,000-1,500,000 (USD20-50K), while in HK AAAs are likely to have HKD480,000-750,000 (USD60-100K) to spend.


Hotel operators have noticed the trend, and are tapping into the emerging market of savvy young consumers.

such customers are very international, speaking English and "perfectly" able to research online what to do and decide which hotels they prefer based on design, location and the experiences they offer. The group is very important, and will grow even more quickly than it is now. Young Chinese are getting jobs earlier and want to see what the world has to offer.


Amrita Banta  Managing Director,Agility Research & Strategy


以下文擷取自Gostelow Report Live

At the request of Reed Travel Exhibitions, organiser of ILTM –gives inside stories on the personalities and happenings here in Shanghai. This year there are 493 exhibitors (from 50 countries), of whom 58% are first-timers here at ILTM Asia. There are also 475 hosted buyers (from 26 countries), of whom, again, 58% are here for the first time. In all, over the three days of meetings, there will be more than 23,000 pre-scheduled, mutually-matched appointments, with an average of 54 appointments per participant.


Mandarin Oriental's big news is that as of May 22nd, 2015, it assumed management, and 50% ownership, of the iconic The Ritz, Madrid. Much to everyone's delight, Christian Tavelli continues as GM.At Mandarin Oriental Shanghai (GM Pierre Barthès), see Da Cai's amusing fish-and-food art currently displayed next to Fifty-8° Grill.  

MandarinOriental Guangzhou(廣州)General Manager Clemens Hoerth

The Regent Beijing, 15 minutes from the Forbidden City, and look out through three-floor-high glass walls at its lovely garden. The group currently operates three brands — Regent Hotels & Resorts, Silks Place and Just Sleep — with a total of 16 hotels and one cruise liner around the world.FIH Regent chairman Steven Pan said that the medium-priced brand would be the main force to drive the momentum of the group’s expansion.


St Regis Chengdu is one of the newest babies of Starwood Asia – the sumptuous 29th floor central-city hotel opened October 2014 . For real style, take the top floor 3,330 sq ft Presidential Suite, which has a spectacular private 40-ft outside pool. Ask for your own Champagne sabre-ing there, Moët and a Laguiole knifeand dine there, poolside, or in one of the 27th floor Yun Fu 's private rooms. Amazing neighbouring shopping mall, plus five Cartier boutiques, and a massive Apple Store, within ten minutes' walk

Peninsula Beijing keeps its head down, for now – with reason. Its complete renovation will bring key-count down to 230, smallest 610 sq ft (it is keeping at 640 staff-count). GM Joseph Sampermans says start planning visits as of April 2016, when half of the Henry Leung-designed rooms come online: honestly, mock-up room previews suggest Beijing could raise the bar even above Paris.


Conrad Tokyo GM Heinrich Grafe is already excited about hosting the next ILTM Japan. The hotel gives stunning views over Hamarikyu Garden and Tokyo Bay. Choose the absolutely beautiful two-bedroom Royal Suite, with delicate cherry blossom sprays on palest stone carpets and matching fabric walls – or anything with access to the 37th floor lounge, which has a central fireplace and an attendant chef.


Jing'An Shangri-La At the 508-room hotel, go for anything that has access to the superb 55th-floor Horizon Club, designed by would-be lawyer André Fu.

This April Bulgari Bali unveiled the brand's first wedding chapel – it is made from local Paras Kerobokan stone paired with hand-crafted floor-to-ceiling glass panels, and next to it is a 3,000 sq ft outdoor Pavillion Terrace, with amazing over-ocean views.



責任編輯: Jacky Yang (TAIWAN)

Editor-in-ChiefJadon Lin(HK)

Full Senior EditorLathan Wu (HK)

Associate Senior Editor :Jacky Yang (TW)

Manager Editor : :Chathy Chao (TW)

Senior ReporterGabbana(TW)



採訪協力:ILTM (International Luxury Travel Market )

文章採訪: 2015 Shanghai上海


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