位在大阪車站附近的麗池卡爾登(The Ritz-Carlton,Osaka)可說是外觀最低調的五星級飯店,La Baie即是飯店裡最主要的一家法式餐廳,就像是隱藏在鬧區中的貴族般,融合了傳統與新意的法式料理。
曾榮獲米其林一星肯定,「La Baie」是法文「海灣」的意思,新鮮的海鮮、禽肉與蔬果皆在主廚的巧手下,化身為一道道盤中佳餚美味,讓人驚艷不已。
La Baie則由法國西北方的布列塔尼的Christophe Gibert主理,他自15歲起便跟隨其父親學廚藝,接著在法國尼斯Negresco酒店內的三星米其林餐廳Alain Llorca工作,2003年來到大阪麗思卡爾頓酒店,至今已有十多年的經歷。Gibert表示,要煮出一道美味菜式,食材非常重要,因此,除了日本和牛外,有些食材如Marais鴨,他堅持要從法國Challan訂來。
來到La Baie,讓人彷彿置身於法國王朝宮廷般的華麗大廳中,處處是十八世紀喬治時代的藝術風格布置,周遭的古董陶瓷及水晶吊燈,均予人優雅不凡的氣息,再加上四周布滿了多達四百五十件的十八、十九世紀油畫及珍貴藝作,更多一份古典奢華的氣派。
La Baie建議菜單:
The Ritz-Carlton, Osaka, was awarded prestigious star and pavilion ratings for the sixth consecutive year by the Michelin Guide Kansai region for 2015. The hotel was awarded a five-pavilion ranking, while French restaurant, La Baie was awarded a coveted Michelin star.
A pavilion mark represents a level of comfort based on exterior, interior, layout, hospitality and service. The Ritz-Carlton, Osaka was awarded the highest rating of five pavilions.
La Baie, the hotel’s signature restaurant, was awarded one-star rating along with a five-fork & spoon notation. La Baie was also the only French restaurant managed by a hotel in Osaka to be awarded one-star and a five-fork & spoon notation. An elegant French restaurant with a contemporary interpretation of traditional recipes, La Baie is under the leadership by Chef Christophe Gibert. A fork & spoon rating indicates a level of comfort based on exterior, interior, hospitality, service and tableware.
Lunch course (Monday to Friday excluding public holidays) ¥4,700 ~
Lunch course (Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays) ¥6,700 ~
Dinner course ¥14,000 ~
※Price includes tax.
※A 13% service charge will be added to your bill.
※Prices may vary during the holiday season.
Le Baie
2-5-25 Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0001 Japan
大阪麗思卡爾頓酒店(The Ritz-Carlton,Osaka)
電話:+81 6 6343 7000
Lunch: 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Dinner: 5:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
良好印象food &HOTEL
責任編輯:Jacky Yang(Taipei)
Editor-in-Chief:Jadon Lin(HK)
Full Senior Editor:Lathan Wu (HK)
Associate Senior Editor :Jacky Yang (TW)
Editor : :Gong kin Yang (TW)
Senior Reporter:Gabbana(TW)
採訪協力:大阪麗思卡爾頓酒店(The Ritz-Carlton,Osaka)
文章採訪: 2015 Osaka大阪