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ILTM(International Luxury Travel Market) Japan是現今日本最奢華的旅展,由Reed Exhibitions所舉辦.不僅可以一窺日本最新的高端旅遊趨勢,同時世界的Luxury Travel trend也盡納其中,以下就是我們歸納的精華報導與影片

ILTM Japan2016 video




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包括位於伊勢志摩國家公園裡的Amanemu、東京Hoshinoya、東京The Prince Gallery、京都Four Seasons Hotel,都將於今年陸續開幕;飯店集團持續看好頂級客層市場的增加,2019Park Hyatt2020Ritz-Carlton都即將在北海道開幕。

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此外,希爾頓集團旗下Luxury品牌港麗酒店(Conrad Hotel)更趁勝追擊,推出最新的1/3/5城市行程體驗(Conrad 1/3/5 experience)顧客只要想要在城市來上一趟小旅行

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當然東京與京都Ritz-Carlton Hotel都將迎來美麗的櫻花季。被認為是東京最高檔的酒店之一的The Ritz-Carlton,Tokyo將推出「Sakura Sensation」,一次滿足旅客住宿粉紅香檳spa…等體驗;同時也提供當前最潮的孩童套房服務,在套房內布置時尚帳篷與遊戲,讓孩子也能在飯店內體驗到露營的趣味,當燈光暗起時,天花板也營造出星空的氛圍。




根據日本國家旅遊局(Japan National Tourism Organization) 的宣布,將推出JR東日本四季島及JR西日本的瑞風列車. JR集團希望旅客們可以一方面享受日本的美景,卻又有如置身在高級飯店之中

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世界有愈來愈多頂級酒店集團朝向個性化與年輕新貴化的新品牌來發展,EDITION 這一全新生活時尚酒店品牌,由萬豪集團與酒店業者伊恩·施拉格 (Ian Schrager) 連袂打造,賦予 EDITION 品牌以更為豐富的多彩元素,營造出個性十足、別具風格的頂級酒店體驗。EDITION 品牌詮釋了一種新穎獨創的生活時尚酒店風格,全力迎合那些對設計、服務及品質均有著超高要求的顧客需求。曼谷、杜拜、中國三亞與上海的飯店,都將陸續開幕

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在全球擁有526家酒店SLH(Small Luxury Hotels全球奢華精品酒店)聯盟最重大的變化,是移動通訊設備的訪問量大增,實際預定增加了35%(接近 100 萬人)。為此,SLH 已經發佈了一個全新 iPhone APP應用,搭載全新預定系統,功能性大幅提高,即將針對Android系統設置,讓顧客更容易透過手機和pad來獲取世界各地的飯店訊息。



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2013年和2015年開展成功的探險航程之後,荷蘭極地郵輪公司Oceanwide Expeditions宣佈,該公司推出2017年前往羅斯海的兩次新航程。破冰船“Ortelius”號將配有直升機,用於這兩次南極郵輪之旅,即從南美大陸到南極半島,穿越極圈,然後西行至彼得一世島,沿著“南極深處”的冰緣,從別林斯高晉海駛入羅斯海。當然他們也有推出航向北極的航程同樣豐富精采

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冰島已經成為世界熱門的旅遊景點,境內多為4百公尺以上的高原,且島上有2百多座火山,其中30多座為活火山,使得1/10以上的土地被火山融岩所覆蓋;同時冰島也是世界上溫泉最多的國家;此外由於冰島靠近北極圈,秋冬之交還可見到罕見且美麗的極光。現在起你也可以透過冰島Nine Worlds這間公司在天然美麗的冰島完成豪華之旅



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不只有瑞士,阿爾卑斯山更橫跨12個區域,為了更便於旅人的探索,他們成立了「Best of the Alps」這個組織,同時整合了這個區域的度假山莊、米其林餐廳有機農業酒莊等,更推出了高達50個當地的故事,讓旅客們能夠盡情探索這個世界最美的山麓之一。



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羅馬Lefebvre 家族成立了一個具有創新性的公司(Silversea, 它為客人提供了一種私人的環球航海旅行。4艘銀海郵輪每一艘都是雅致、寬敞,其五星級酒店的客房,銀海系列的銀雲號(silver cloud銀風號(silver wind、銀影號(silver shadow)、銀嘯號(silver whisper)航行於世界各大洲,給顧客帶來頂級尊榮的服務。



由Alison Gilmore女士為主席,Gareth Baguley為活動總監。

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 這次來到ILTM JAPAN參展的包括北美歐洲巴西澳洲中國等地,日本方面以東京京都北海道及奈良九州..最為積極。根據Gareth的觀察,世界頂級旅遊趨勢,仍以日本為焦點,因為聚焦在2020年的東京奧運,很多國際級旅館及豪華列車也應運而生。



The following content was taken fromGostelow Report”

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This year at ILTM Japan a total of 3,025 one-to-one appointments will take place over the two days – this is an increase of 126% over 2015's ILTM Japan appointments, which totalled 1,340. The 84 exhibitors, up 87% over last year, come from 25 countries. Of the buyers, the 39 from Japan represent a 52% increase on 2015 (and 65% are new to ILTM Japan). On the international buyer front, numbers are up 27% on 2015: there has been a notable increase from Asia and North America, which together make up 70% of foreign buyers – 83% of these are new to ILTM Japan, and 23% of the international total are new to the entire ILTM portfolio.  

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Kinkaku, or Golden Pavilion facing Kyoko-chi pond, is one of 17 World Cultural Heritage sites in Kyoto – the Kyoto Convention & Visitors Bureau has temples galore to share, and also some additions to this unique city’s attractions • The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company's stunning properties include the serene river-set Ritz-Carlton Kyoto(GM Yuji Tanaka).

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“The charm of Nara Prefecture”by Ikuyo Hamaji, Co-ordinator of Nara Tourism.(奈良旅遊局解說迷人的古都)

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Sankara Hotel & Spa(在日本最原始天然的九州屋久島飯店)

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Bangkok sees an Edition Hotels opening later this year, says New York-based Sales supremo David Solis, who also 2016 Edition additions in Abu Dhabi, Sanya and Shanghai • Thailand continues to be one of the world's most attractive destinations, for Japanese as well as other travellers.

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Travelling to Switzerland? Contact Sammy Salm as far ahead as possible. Born and bred up high, he heads Best of the Alps, which promotes Classic Mountain Resorts in Switzerland. His new website features 50 fascinating stories about people from 12 alpine destinations, characters of the calibre of Julien Gatillon of the 1920-vintage restaurant at the Chalet du Mont Arbois in Megève, just awarded its second Michelin star. The always-smiling Sammy Salm describes himself as the Alps Concierge, who, having lived in the Alps for all his life, can help you create unique itineraries and experiences throughout the Best of the Alps member destinations.

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In the centre of the ice, under a warming Bordeaux burner, a single table bears champagne and flowers • For those who want even more ice, in winter at least, head for Iceland – Asta Olafsdottir at Nine Worlds Iceland can help.

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Forum speaker, and Mori Trust CEO, Miwako Date is one smart lady – she heads 32 hotels, a total of 7,200 rooms. She announced five of Mori Trust's Laforet properties will be rebranded as Marriotts (Craig Smith, President and MD Marriott International for Asia Pacific, says this caters to the next generation of travellers, especially those who are increasingly interested in exploring beyond the traditionally popular cities of Japan). Date-san may well, even as soon as tomorrow, announce which brand will manage a forthcoming Nara project, but she is still considering her options for two developments here in Tokyo. She has no plans, by the way, to do anything overseas – she is more than happy with partnerships that she already has, including Hilton (our own lovely host hotel, Conrad Tokyo).

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She also successfully convinced Starwood that, yes, it could make money with on a hotel that only has 39 rooms, hence the March 2015 opening of the exquisite Suiran, outside Kyoto, GM Hiroshi Komoto: it is on the site of an imperial villa dating back to the year 794, when Kyoto was called Heian-kyo.

Next year, incidentally, Kyoto can be reached not only by air or shinkansen but by the planned JR West luxury train (Kyushu's Seven Stars luxury train is already operating: 2017 also sees the launch of a JR East luxury train, designed by Ken Okuyama, of Ferrari and Pininfarina fame).

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Okinawa-jima is one of the stops on Silversea's memorable Islands of Japan cruises – sailing from Kobe, you also visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki before finishing at Keelung, Taiwan, an hour from Taipei. Highlights on this cruise definitely include learning to make udon noodles in Takamatsu (after previously climbing 758 stone steps up, and down, Mt Zozu)

new from SLH is its 480-page Small Luxury Cookbook, with recipes from over 200 of its hotels – try preparing Delos Island sea urchin, suggests Yu Masatsagu chef at Shigira Bayside Suite Allamanda, part of Okinawa's Shigira Resort

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As Hilton's luxury brand VP Global Marketing Stuart Foster, who flew in from New York, says, Waldorf Astoria is unforgettable experiences. Those who book via travel agents get personalized concierge service, from in-room check-in on – and spend an average 30% more than other guests.


Hilton's luxury VP Global Marketing Stuart Foster’s interview video


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責任編輯: Jacky Yang (TAIWAN)


Editor-in-Chief:Jadon Lin(HK)

Full Senior Editor:Lathan Wu (HK)

Associate Senior Editor :Jacky Yang (TW)

Managing Editor : Cathy Chao (TW)

Senior Reporter:Gabbana(TW)




採訪協力:ILTM (International Luxury Travel Market )


文章採訪: 2016 Tokyo 東京

    創作者 良好印象傳媒  的頭像

    良好印象傳媒 Favorable Impression Media @FIMMEDIA

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