
要潮遊曼谷,很多人的最佳選擇仍是W Hotel Bangkok。充滿現代泰式設計感的大廳、酒吧、健身房、泳池及房間外,最酷的莫過於一旁有百年歷史的Heritage Building-The House on Sathorn,結合現代時尚與古典氛圍的曼谷W,無怪乎經常入選為最物超所值享受地酒店。(內含影音)




W Hotel Bangkok貫徹W的都會酒店特色,坐落在Silom的商業區,鄰近BTS站。


酒店由兩座大樓組成—主樓為樓高31層樓高的玻璃幕牆大廈,設有407間房間包括W LoungeWOOBARWET(泳池)、AWAY Spa及全天候餐廳The Kitchen Table等。



與世界各大城巿的W一樣,曼谷W體現酒店品牌的時尚,同時又結合當地美學。酒店的設計主題是「bejeweled mystique」(珠光寶氣的神秘氣息)大廳和相連酒吧的黑色牆壁,便用白色閃石砌了泰國廟宇常見的雙龍圖案






一進入WOW SUITE果然會讓人想在心裡有wow一聲地驚喜!黑色的大理石地板,佐以黑色、白色、巧克力色及紫色等色系,房間的燈光全使用獨家的平板來操作,打造出自己想要的時尚色彩。




W MixBar也是此間房間的亮點再加上專業的BOSE音響難怪這間房被許多明星名流指定入住



SPECTACULAR ROOM有蛋型獨立浴缸,房間隔著睡房和浴室的玻璃,很像寶石般分為桃紅、寶藍、琥珀色,繽紛異想



連一般房型WONDERFUL ROOM房間都有珠片泰拳拳套狀和拳手短褲形的抱枕,更可愛的是雙龍打拳的被蓋。





W Hotel Bangkok酒店另一大亮點,是它的歷史大樓—The House on Sathorn。過去它曾是俄羅斯使館,經重新裝修後有四間雙層套房、高級餐廳、酒吧、庭園等,風格既典雅又有時尚感






The W Hotel features original artwork by Maysa, which was commissioned exclusively for the hotel. The reception wall displays a phoenix and tiger engaged in an epic battle using a style frequently found in tattoo art. Both of these creatures are often used in Sak Yant, the art of sacred tattoos, because they are good luck symbols of power and strength. Maysa’s artwork can also be found on the bed throws in the guestrooms. Here again are drawings of the beautiful hybrid creatures of the mythical Himmaphan Forest. These animals have a special place amongst the Thai people, where according to legend, a Thai king once returned from this magical place enlightened to lead his people wisely.


Bejeweled Lobby Mural: Mythical Creatures of the Himmaphan Forest (about the Crystal Artisans)

Established in 1999, A.C.D Thailand is a group of talented and dedicated crystal artisans from the Kingdom of Thailand who crafts luxurious products using a technique called “Crystal Painting.” This technique is in keeping with the ideas of pointillism as well as the neoimpressionism of the 19th century where colors are painstakingly applied in dots instead of strokes. From up close, the picture falls apart into single dots, but taking a step back, the individually set dots merge into a spectacular form. A.C.D. is the first international company authorized by Swarovski Austria to implement this system of crystallization.


Every single crystal on every product is applied by hand. Clients of A.C.D. have included the royal family, sheiks and czars, and celebrities throughout the world.


The crystal mural at the W Hotel is the first project A.C.D. took on where the crystals were applied directly onto a wall. Over 30 artisans were involved applying each crystal by hand. Approximately 80,000 crystals were used during a total of 17 days, often working well into the night.


Golden Glamour Screens: WOOBAR

The screens at the private rooms (VIP zone) at WOOBAR tie in the references made to the battle happening at the crystal mural running the length of the glass wall at the reception. Designed by AvroKO, these screens are inspired by the ropes of a Muay.

Thai ring, where battles happen for real. Clothed in a glamorous gold metal fabric, these ropes also capture the bejeweled concept of the hotel, and create a fantastic glittering backdrop for the Woo Bar.


FIT Gym on 6th Floor

The Ramakian is Thailand’s national epic adapted from the Hindu Ramayana under King Rama I. Rama II further adapted the Ramakian for the Khon drama, which is one of Thailand’s distinctive theater arts. The characters of the Ramakian are frequently depicted in traditional murals, carvings and images throughout Thailand and AvroKO has taken a spin on this quintessential Thai epic by taking one of the characters to create a modern and refreshing graphic at the entry of the hotel’s gym, FIT.


The depiction of the traditional Hanuman character complete with buff physique and modern barbells is both humorous and befitting since Hanuman is a well-respected character who represents strength, stamina and agility.


W Hotel Bangkok


地址﹕106 North Sathorn Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500

電話﹕+66 (0)2 344 4000

交通﹕BTS Chong Nonsi站步行約2分鐘

住宿時間:登記入住時間: 14 : 00 ,辦理退房時間: 12 : 00





責任編輯:Jacky Yang(Taipei)



Editor-in-ChiefJadon Lin(HK)

Full Senior EditorLathan Wu (HK)

Associate Senior Editor :Jacky Yang (TW)

Manager Editor : :Cathy Chao (TW)

Senior ReporterGabbana(TW)



採訪協力:W Hotel Bangkok




文章採訪: 2016 Bangkok 曼谷

    W Hotel Bangkok W Hotel W
    創作者 良好印象傳媒  的頭像

    良好印象傳媒 Favorable Impression Media @FIMMEDIA

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