有別於新派法式料理的盛行,主廚Nicolas Boujéma反而在SIGNATURE餐廳強調正宗的法餐,「不走fusion,不是摩登,我想要讓來到這裡的客人吃到傳統法式料理的滋味。Nicolas表示,他採用的食材有本地、也有進口自歐洲。「將上等食材所蘊含的天然香味發揮得淋漓精緻,才能體現出廚藝的精湛所在。」這是他的美食哲學,所以松露、cheese進口自法國,而像海膽或是鮪魚,當然就屬日本在地最佳。
Chef Nicolas也特別重視餐酒的搭配,「譬如我在設計菜單時,我會思考這個菜能不能與Chardonnay或是Pinor Noir做搭配。結合日本豐富的飲食文化,並選用最新鮮的當季食材。
Nicolas Boujéma由巴黎Rue Du bac開始,他的家鄉Rueil-Malmaison就位於巴黎近郊,自小深受美食之都的薰陶。後來更在米其林三星餐廳Le balzac、二星餐廳L’Auberge de l’Ill in Alsace, and of La Réserve de Beaulieu on the French Riviera…工作,資歷完整;2011年他來到亞洲,來到東京以前,他是香港文華東方酒店米其林二星餐廳Pierre的行政主廚。
Pâté de trois viandes (volaille, porc et veau) en croûte・sucs de betterave・condiments de saison 鶏豚仔牛のパテアンクルート煮詰めたビーツ季節のコンディメント Three meats terrine (chicken, pork and veal) in a crust・beetroot juice・seasonal condiments
Tartelette de sardines marinées・poivron rouge confit et ricotta・huile de basilic 鰯のマリネのタルトレット赤パプリカのコンフィとリコッタバジルオイル Marinated sardines tartlet・red bell pepper confit and ricotta・basil oil
L’œuf de ferme cuit mollet・mimosa d’asperge verte・soupe de coquillage (supplément caviar 1gr 400) 半熟卵とアスパラガスのミモザ風スープドコキアージュ(キャビアの追加 1g 400) Soft boiled farm egg・green asparagus mimosa・shellfish soup (supplement caviar 1gr 400)
Royale de courgette à la menthe・tartare de tomate・soupe légère de tomate ズッキーニのロワイヤルトマトのタルタル軽いスープと共に Zucchini and mint custard・tomato tartar・light tomato soup
Le poisson 魚料理 Traditionnelle bourride d’Hokkaido・fenouil braisé à la Sambuca・aioli 北海道産魚介のブーリッドフヌイユのブレゼサンブーカ風味アイオリ Traditional Hokkaido “bourride”・braised fennel flavoured with Sambuca・aioli
Longe de porc de Iwachu grillée confite・sauce diable aux condiments estivaux・aubergine aigre douce 岩中豚ロースのグリエ甘酸っぱい茄子とコンディマンソースディアブル Grilled and marinated Iwachu Pork loin・Diable sauce with summer condiments・sweet and sour eggplant
Le palet de chocolat au pain d’épices・glace caramel à la fleur de sel・amande Polignac・fruit de la passion チョコレートのパレットとパンドエピス塩キャラメルのアイスクリームとアーモンドパッションフルーツ Chocolate ganache with ginger bread flavour・caramel and sea salt ice cream・Polignac almond・passion fruit
Le crustacé 甲殻類 Homard rôti déglacé au jus de raifort・fenouil au sirop d’érable・jus d'agrumes オマールのロティレフォール風味フヌイユメープルシロップの香り柑橘のジュ Roasted lobster deglazed with horseradish juice・fennel with maple syrup・citrus juice
Chef de Cuisine-Nicolas Boujéma
His French classical training is “based in a triangle of three kitchens: Pierre Gagnaire in Hong Kong, L’Auberge de l’Ill in Alsace, and of La Réserve de Beaulieu on the French Riviera….
At just 30 years of age he was appointed Executive Chef of Pierre, Pierre Gagnaire’s two Michelin starred restaurant at the Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong; it was not too long before he became Chef de Cuisine at Michelin-starred Signature, Tokyo. An ardent practitioner of authentic yet innovative French cuisine, he delivers a master-class in gastronomy to the demanding and knowledgeable Japanese gourmands.
Signature is just off to the side of the water feature, its discreet entrance creating a natural flow of space from the alluring bar. Punched metal screens in geometric floral patterns accentuate the modern-oriental décor. Tables by the window offer amazingly romantic seating on high-backed love sofas for a couple to sit side by side, looking out onto the dramatic city view.
Signature has a gorgeous private dining room that seats a maximum of 10 people, with the added benefit of a window offering a view into the kitchen where chefs are hard at work. There’s also a floor-to-ceiling wine cellar in which you can spot many of the wines that are presented in the wine pairing option of the menu.
SIGNATURE(東京文華東方酒店Mandarin Oriental Hotel Tokyo)
地址:2-1-1 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
TEL:+81 (3) 3270 8188
午餐 11:30-14:30
晚餐 18:00-22:00
平均消費一人約JP ¥5000~
另需支付 10% 的服務費與消費稅8%
良好印象food &HOTEL
責任編輯:Jacky Yang(Taipei)
Editor-in-Chief:Jacky Yang (TW)
Editor:Cathy Chao(TW)
Editor : :Gong kin Yang (TW)
Senior Reporter:Gabbana(TW)
採訪協力:Mandarin Oriental Hotel Tokyo
文章採訪: 2017 TOKYO東京