“春夏,朵朵美麗的蝴蝶在萬千花叢中翩翩起舞,飄舞於花間葉隙,田野泉邊,點綴出如詩如畫的大自然!”這不是踏青的場景,而是曼谷華爾道夫酒店下午茶甜點的“滿園春色”,這是由行政甜點主廚Andrea Noli耗時創作出來的作品,來自義大利時尚之都米蘭的他,信手捻來的鹹甜點,不但美味,更兼具視覺美感.
“我想像在米蘭家裡的花園,但是從新鮮的泰國水果汲取靈感.”Chef Andrea甜點豐富,平衡,而且不會太甜.自製甜點是他的堅持,無論是凝固的奶油,檸檬凝乳或是大塊的草莓醬…反映出了優質的食材成份.
無論是由黑醋栗和義式奶酪構成的春天意象,或是提拉米蘇鳥巢,還是飛進花園裡的蝴蝶馬卡龍,甚至是土壤中的胡蘿蔔蛋糕 或是長在草地上的櫻花蛋糕,以及睜大眼飛舞的蜜蜂優格
chef Andrea都能以歐洲的花園為題材,製作出匠意獨具的甜點.
至於鹹點,最特別是經過chef Andrea解構後的“三明治”以開放,包裹以及甜筒形狀來呈現.
孔雀廊,這個名字源自1897年開幕的紐約市華爾道夫酒店大廳走廊,位於帝國大廈矗立的第五大道和34街.這個地方也是紐約上流社會的主要聚集點.作為華爾道夫傳統標誌性大廳的Peacock Alley聞名遐邇,「Peacock Alley」 一詞字面意為「孔雀廊」即「羿庭」,旨在描繪原來每天如孔雀般優雅信步於連接紐約市華爾道夫酒店和阿斯托利亞酒店大樓的柱廊間的名人.
Every item is consummately cute and there's not a boring old sandwich in sight.To the low table arrives two plates radiating colour and form, a mysterious Peacock Alley branded box, three elegant condiments and one other fresh bake, all of which screams to be picked up, conveyed to the mouth with great anticipation and munched into delicious oblivion
Conceived and prepared by the Milan-born Executive Pastry Chef Andrea Noli, this afternoon tea – all savouries and sweets – employs the best of ingredients.The sweet items are rich, balanced and not too sweet. They reflect good quality ingredients and homemade-style down to the clotted cream, lem
on curd and chunky strawberry jam.
For the savouries, all ‘sandwiches’ are either open-faced, wrapped or scooped into mini crusty cones. Thai ‘golden basket’ or ‘tung thong’ with their curry vegetable filling is also very tasty and vegetarian. The open crusty sandwich of creamy brie, balsamic pearls and fresh fig.Again, vegetarian, a very bright and tasty combination.Also the salmon gravlax on a soft bagel laden with cream cheese.
As for the scones, they are about half-a-palm size. Very delicate and tender, a bit flaky, but not falling-down-everywhere flaky. Just about right with the nice balance of sticking buttery dough. Each day, the kitchen bakes plain scones and one more alternative flavour, ranging from passion fruit , cinnamon and walnut, raspberry, chocolate and raisin. Also complimentary for the set is the rich and cheesy very delicious Japanese-style soft cakes.Two flavours rotate here as well.
There are several reasons one might want to wind down at the Peacock Alley at the Waldorf Astoria Bangkok. The name derives from the lobby-floor corridor of the original Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City, which opened in 1897, at Fifth Avenue and 34th Street where The Empire State Building now stands. The place was a prime gathering spot of the NYC upper crust – complete with all exquisite clothing and illuminating accessories – back in the day. ‘Meet me at the clock,’ one of them would have said. And at the clock, they made sure to look lavish and appropriately plumaged enough for the place.
In Bangkok, the airy Peacock Alley, completed with a centrepiece art-deco clock, is perched on the Waldorf Astoria Bangkok’s Upper Lobby. It boasts a sweeping view of inner Bangkok. This is a place to gather, sit and talk, and now their newly-launched Afternoon Tea makes all occasions even creamier and much more scrumptious.
P.S Currently the afternoon tea served at The Loft.