2015年米其林共在歐洲20個國家評選,其中位於維也納凱賓斯基酒店(Palais Hansen Kempinski Vienna)內的「Edvard」餐廳再度獲得一星的殊榮。今年四月,在行政總廚Anton Pozeg加入後,該餐廳擁有更堅實的團隊:除了Chef Anton兼具美味與美學的料理外,餐廳寧靜的用餐氛圍及熱情的服務,都讓這間米其林餐廳備受推崇。(內含HD影音介紹)
Edvard餐廳不僅連續在這兩年摘得了米其林的一星桂冠,同時還獲得高勒米歐16分的評等,在奧地利、甚至於整個歐洲,都擁有極高評價的Fine dining餐廳。
以歐洲知名建築師Theophil Edvard von Hansen命名的「Edvard」,提供季節性佳餚,在傳統的菜色中、加入些許新派的特色。
Chef Anton出身德國慕尼黑,師承義大利星級主廚Mario Gamba,他在德國開設的餐廳Aquarello被譽為是德國最好的義大利餐廳,而Chef Anton曾在此工作,並深受其影響,養成其對時令食材的深切追求。
「要成就一道完美的菜餚,必須色香味俱全。」Chef Anton舉例說明,如在鴨肝這道前菜中,他就加入了甜菜根、佐芒果sauce等新鮮原味的食材,作法並不複雜,卻非常講究味道的平衡、與擺盤的美學。
「我喜歡旅行,從中找出創作的靈感。」Chef Anton描述自己的菜系有強烈的個人風格、正如同他也是一位”型男”主廚。
Wine pairing:四道菜加酒另加64歐;七道菜加酒另加89歐
另需支付 10% 的服務費與政府稅
Anton Pozeg is the new executive
chef at Palais Hansen Kempinski, he took over the position of head chef at
restaurant “Edvard”, awarded with a Michelin star and 16 Gault-Millau points, as well as oversee the whole gastronomic management of the hotel. He is successor to Philipp Vogel,who has been in charge of the successful positioning of the culinary outlets since the opening and who will take a creative time out.
Anton Pozeg was his sous chef from the very beginning and took an active part in the development and opening of our outlets. Therefore he knows the staff and the property – and of course he is an excellent chef, who will create his very own style at‘Edvard’.
The menu of the fine dining restaurant will consist of popular specialities and new
Mediterranean influences. However, the concept remains the same. Guests will find seasonal dishes consisting of only a few, carefully selected ingredients. Every creation aims to bring out the best possible taste of every product. On top, Anton Pozeg puts a strong emphasis on regional origin and carefully choses the ingredients.
Anton Pozeg discovered his passion for Italian cuisine during the time he spent with mentor Mario Gamba at Restaurant Aquarello in Munich. He worked with Gamba for four years and was strongly influenced by him. It made him very curious. Ever since, he always strives to discover and try new things.
Every dish and every menu has to combine the single ingredients to harmonic composition.
The main focus is set on the guest’s experience and pleasure.
The native-born German started his career at restaurant Weichandhof in Munich, his
hometown. Afterwards, he worked at Bayrischer Hof before starting to work for Kempinski.
During his time at Hotel Atlantic in Hamburg, he worked with Sven Büttner, today’s
executive chef at Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski. He spent four years with mentor and
Michelin-starred Mario Gamba at restaurant Aquarello, which strongly influenced his
culinary script, and then returned to Kempinski. At Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski he
worked as executive sous chef for two years, followed by his position at Palais Hansen
Kempinski Vienna.
Culinary delights don’t need many ingredients. Using seasonal products of supreme quality perfectly combined and inspired by Mediterranean traditions, the creations only consist of a few ingredients and bring out the best possible taste of every product.
The service teams serve sophisticated, culinary delights in an easy-going, relaxed atmosphere.
地址: Palais Hansen Kempinski Vienna
Schottenring 24, 1010 Vienna
+43 1 236 1000 8070
Tuesday - Saturday
18:00 - 22:00
售價:四道菜EU 89;七道菜EU 119
Wine pairing:四道菜加酒另加EU 64;七道菜加酒另加EU 89
另需支付 10% 的服務費與政府稅
責任編輯:Jacky Yang(Taipei)
Editor-in-Chief:Jadon Lin(HK)
Full Senior Editor:Lathan Wu (HK)
Associate Senior Editor :Jacky Yang (TW)
Manager Editor : Cathy Chao (TW)
Senior Reporter:Gabbana(TW)
採訪協力:維也納漢森宮凱賓斯基酒店(Palais Hansen Kempinski Vienna)
文章採訪: 2015 Vienna 維也納