
2017「世界 50 最佳餐廳」共有六間全新入圍餐廳及三間重返名單的餐廳美國紐約Eleven Madison Park 首次成為「世界 50 最佳餐廳」的第一名。亞洲地區共有七間餐廳入圍法國、西班牙及美國各有六間餐廳入圍名單。

The World’s 50 Best Restaurants 2017 welcomes six brand new entries and three re-entries to the 2017 ranking, In claiming the No.1 position on The World’s 50 Best Restaurants list,base in NYC,Eleven Madison Park earns the dual titles of The World’s Best Restaurant. Asia counts seven restaurants in the 2017 line-up, France, Spain and the USA each count six restaurants on the list.



GagganRestaurant André high rising


亞洲地區共有七間餐廳入圍 2017 年的名單,GagganRestaurant André名次都是有史以來最佳!曼谷餐廳 Gaggan 才於日前連續三年榮獲「亞洲 50 最佳餐廳」第一名,在「世界 50 最佳餐廳」名單上跳升 16 位至第7名,成為「亞洲最佳餐廳」。另外,新加坡的 Restaurant André也躍升 18 位至 14兩間餐廳主廚分別來自印度及台灣顯見亞洲餐飲已不分國界2016 年度「最值得關注獎」得主—東京的 Den,則成為第 45 位。其他入圍的亞洲餐廳包括東京的 Narisawa(第 18 位)、香港的 Amber(第 24 名),曼谷的 Nahm(第28名)及上海的 Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet (第 41名)。


Asia counts seven restaurants in the 2017 line-up, with Japan and Thailand each boasting two entries. After claiming the No.1 position for a third consecutive year at Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants awards ceremony in February, Gaggan in Bangkok rises 16 places to No.7 to claim The Best Restaurant in Asia title. Elsewhere, Singapore’s Restaurant André climbs an impressive 18 places to secure the No.14 spot while Den in Tokyo, the 2016 recipient of the Miele One To Watch Award, arrives on the list at No.45.  



榮獲「世界 50 最佳餐廳」第一位頭銜的同時,Eleven Madison Park 亦榮登「北美最佳餐廳」的寶座。該餐廳於 2010 年首次以第 50名入圍,自 2012 年起一直高居前十名之內。餐廳兩位創辦人 Will Guidara 及瑞士廚師 Daniel Humm 在尊貴餐飲體驗中加入趣味元素,並打破傳統廚房及用餐空間的界限。餐廳坐落於紐約麥迪遜公園旁一座裝飾派藝術的建築內,因應季節創作的品味餐單展現出紐約多元的飲食文化。

After debuting on the list at No.50 in 2010, Eleven Madison Park has hovered within the top 10 since 2012, rising to No.3 last year. The restaurant’s co-owners, Will Guidara and Swiss-born chef Daniel Humm, enhance the fine-dining experience with a sense of fun, blurring the line between the kitchen and the dining room. Housed in an art deco building overlooking New York’s Madison Park, the restaurant’s multi-course seasonal tasting menu celebrates the city’s rich history and culinary traditions.



去年第一名、位於義大利摩德納的 Osteria Francescana,成為今年名單的第二名,同時仍維持「歐洲最佳餐廳」的頭銜。其他位於義大利的入圍餐廳包括Piazza Duomo(第 15 名)、Le Calandre(第29名),以及位於桑格羅堡(Castel Di Sangro)的 Reale;該餐廳首次上榜,位於第43名。


Last year’s No.1, Osteria Francescana in Modena, Italy, claims the No.2 position to retain its title as The Best Restaurant in Europe. Italy is also represented by familiar favourites Piazza Duomo (No.15) and Le Calandre (No.29) as well as first-time entry Reale, in Castel Di Sangro, debuting on the list at No. 43.



西班牙共有六間餐廳盤據十大之列,過去曾兩度奪第一名的 El Celler de Can Roca 成為西班牙餐廳之中排名最高的餐廳,獲得本年度的第三名。餐廳同時獲得2017年度「待客藝術獎」,該餐廳一直以來以熱情溫暖的氣氛及親切友善的服務而聞名。而 Asador Etxebarri 則攀升4位至第6名;位於聖塞瓦斯蒂安(San Sebastian)的 Mugaritz則為第9名。


Spain retains its strong presence on the list with three of its six restaurants landing in the top 10. Former No.1 El Celler de Can Roca leads the contingent at No.3 and is also the 2017 recipient of the The Ferrari Trento Art of Hospitality Award in recognition of the restaurant’s warm atmosphere and ever-gracious service. Asador Etxebarri climbs four places to No.6 while Mugaritz in San Sebastian now sits at No.9. 


法國區內的入圍餐廳數量大幅增加至6間,為去年的兩倍。Mirazur奪得最高第四名的排名,緊隨其後的是 Arpège(第 12 位),而法國米其林三星餐廳今年全力反攻廚神Alain Ducasse主導的Plaza Athénée則戲劇化地以第13名之姿重返名單 Yannick Alléno主理的 Alléno Paris au Pavillon Ledoyen終於首次入圍,拿下第 31名,成為由 Aspire Lifestyles 贊助的「最佳新餐廳」獎。



France has doubled its number of restaurants on the list. Among France’s six entries, three rank in the top 20. Mirazur leads at No.4, followed by Arpège (No.12) while Alain Ducasse au Plaza Athénée makes a dramatic re-entry on the list to land at No.13. Alléno Paris au Pavillon Ledoyen, the restaurant headed by Yannick Alléno, debuts at No.31, earning the coveted Highest New Entry Award, sponsored by Aspire Lifestyles. Other Paris-based restaurants Septime (No.35) and L’Astrance (No.46) also move up the ranking, rising 15 and 11 places respectively. Aside from celebrating Septime’s climb up the rankings, the restaurant also claims the Sustainable Restaurant Award, sponsored by Silestone, and audited by the Sustainable Restaurant Association.  


南美地區則有五間餐廳入圍名單,其中包括位於布宜諾斯艾利斯的 Tegui,首次以第 49 名上榜。而去年「最佳進步獎」得主秘魯首都利馬的 Maido,進步到第8名。而名廚 Virgilio Martínez位於利馬的餐廳 Central除了榮獲「南美最佳餐廳」的頭銜,他也是本年度由廚師們之間票選的「主廚之選獎」得主。



South America boasts five restaurants from across the continent on the list, including the debut of Tegui in Buenos Aires at No.49. Maido in Lima, last year’s winner of the Highest Climber Award, continues its upward trajectory, rising five places to No.8. Chef Virgilio Martínez steals the limelight with two award wins. His restaurant, Central (No.5), in Peru, is named The Best Restaurant in South America, while he is this year’s recipient of the peer-voted Chefs’ Choice Award, sponsored by Estrella Damm.   


丹麥亦有兩間哥本哈根的餐廳上榜。Geranium 攀升九位至第 19 位,而曾兩度獲「可持續發展餐廳獎」 Relae 亦上先一位至第 39 位。 

The city of Copenhagen also fares well, with two of the Danish capital’s restaurants recognised. Geranium rises nine places to claim the No.19 position while Relae, the two-time winner of the Sustainable Restaurant Award, climbs one place to No.39.          

而主辦國澳洲亦有兩間餐廳入圍,其中一間為全新上榜餐廳。墨爾本的 Attica(第 32 位)上升一位,並蟬聯「澳洲最佳餐廳」的頭銜。而位於墨爾本所在維多利亞州的 Brae 首次躋身名單,為第 44 位。 

Host country Australia is represented by two restaurants, including one newcomer. Attica in Melbourne (No.32) rises one place to retain its title as The Best Restaurant in Australasia, while Brae in regional Victoria enters the ranking for the first time at No.44.       


名廚 Heston Blumenthal 榮獲 2017 年度「Diners Club® 終身成就獎」

斯洛文尼亞的 Hiša Franko 主廚 Ana Roš 2017 年度「世界最佳女廚師獎」得主 

巴黎的 Septime 獲得由 Silestone 贊助的「可持續發展餐廳獎」

Dominique Ansel 榮獲 2017 年度「最佳糕點師獎」

Heston Blumenthal is the 2017 recipient of the Diners Club® Lifetime Achievement Award

Ana Roš of Hiša Franko, Slovenia, is named The World’s Best Female Chef 2017

Dominique Ansel is named The World’s Best Pastry Chef 




While one New York restaurant takes the No.1 spot, another debuts on the list: Enrique Olvera’s Cosme is a first-time entry at No.40 while his other restaurant, Pujol in Mexico City, rises five places to No.20. Meanwhile, Dan Barber’s progressive restaurant, Blue Hill at Stone Barns, rises 37 places to No.11 to earn the Highest Climber Award, sponsored by Lavazza.



William Drew, Group Editor of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants, says: “The World’s 50 Best Restaurants is proud to bring together the leaders in global gastronomy for this annual celebration. All 50 restaurants represent the very best culinary experiences and talent. We congratulate each one, as well as all the individual award winners, on their remarkable achievements, innovation and creative passion.” 




The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2017



50  Hof Van Cleve, Kruishoutem, Belgium RE-ENTRY


49  Tegui, Buenos Aires, Argentina NEW ENTRY

48  Restaurant Tim Raue, Berlin, Germany

47  Vendôme, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

46  L’Astrance, Paris, France RE-ENTRY



45  Den, Tokyo, Japan NEW ENTRY



44  Brae, Birregurra, Australia NEW ENTRY


43  Reale, Castel Di Sangro, Italy NEW ENTRY

42  Boragó, Santiago, Chile

41  Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet, Shanghai, China



40  Cosme, New York, USA NEW ENTRY

39  Relae, Copenhagen, Denmark

38  Azurmendi, Larrabetzu, Spain

37  Saison, San Francisco, USA

36  Dinner By Heston Blumenthal, London, UK

35  Septime, Paris, France

34  De Librije, Zwolle, Netherlands

33  Astrid y Gastón, Lima, Peru

32  Attica, Melbourne, Australia


31  Alléno Paris au Pavillon Ledoyen, Paris, France NEW ENTRY




30  Arzak, San Sebastian, Spain

29  Le Calandre, Rubano, Italy

28  Nahm, Bangkok, Thailand

27  The Ledbury, London, UK

26  The Clove Club, London, UK

25  Tickets, Barcelona, Spain



24  Amber, Hong Kong, China

23  White Rabbit, Moscow, Russia

22  Quintonil, Mexico City, Mexico

21  Alinea, Chicago, USA

20  Pujol, Mexico City, Mexico

19  Geranium, Copenhagen, Denmark

18  Narisawa, Tokyo, Japan

17  Le Bernardin, New York, USA

16  D.O.M., São Paulo, Brazil

15  Piazza Duomo, Alba, Italy

14  Restaurant André, Singapore

13  Alain Ducasse au Plaza Athénée, Paris, France RE-ENTRY

12  Arpège, Paris, France

11  Blue Hill at Stone Barns, New York, USA

10  Steirereck, Vienna, Austria

9  Mugaritz, San Sebastian, Spain

8  Maido, Lima, Peru

7  Gaggan, Bangkok, Thailand

6  Asador Etxebarri, Axpe, Spain

5  Central, Lima, Peru

4  Mirazur, Menton, France

3  El Celler de Can Roca, Girona, Spain

2  Osteria Francescana, Modena, Italy

1  Eleven Madison Park, New York, USA










採訪協力:The World's 50 Best RestaurantsWilliam Reed Business Media


文章採訪: 2017

    The World's 50 Best Restaurant
    創作者 良好印象傳媒  的頭像

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