
日本最大的奢華旅展ILTM (International luxury travel market)JAPAN在月前揭幕,今年的奢華旅行趨勢除了更注重精緻美食與旅遊的結合外,深層的日本文化、歐洲高山旅遊、及國際連鎖酒店在日本吹設計風,都是值得關注的趨勢。以下就是我們歸納的精華報導與影片!



Japan’s only bespoke luxury travel event for both inbound as well as Japanese outbound high net worth travellers, the fifth and largest ever edition of ILTM Japan took place during 27th Feb-1th March at the Conrad Hotel Tokyo.





在今年ILTM JAPAN的開幕式上,主辦單位特別邀來世界五十最佳餐廳日本區主席中村孝則先生(World’s 50 best restaurants)演講美食,主題是:如何透過餐飲來掌握吸引人的旅遊,足見世界領導行的頂級旅遊,美食已不能自行於其外,如何將兩者做完美的結合,將考驗業者的能力。


ILTM JAPAN Opening Seminars bring both of these luxury travel trend s Gastronomy :the clincher for attracting tourism

modern travelling is a quest for an amazing food experience.


This is especially the case for the well-travelled,affluent voyager,who will target a specific restaurant,whatever it may be on earth-nearby or remote.What kind of a restaurant fulfills this craving?


Takanori Nakamura Japanese Academy Chairman of the World’s 50 best restaurants,explores the hidden reasons behide this movement and introduce the very latest trends in Japan’s restaurants.


And art – Mr Katsura Yamaguchi, Senior Vice-President and International Director of Japanese and Korean Art at Christie’s - highlighted both the importance of these experiences to Japanese travellers as well as those planning travel for high net worth clients across the world.


@日本深度文化之旅(Japanese deeply culture)

1.和菓子匠人(wagashi artisan)






Junichi Mitsubori, a third-generation wagashi artisan of traditional Japanese sweets store has long engaged in wagashi-making since his childhood. About a year ago, he began to call himself a master of Kado (way of confection) or wagashi artist, just like a master of Chado (way of tea or tea ceremony). Wagashi is broadly classified into two groups: the ones eaten daily such as manju and dango, and Jo-Namagashi served with matcha at tea ceremony. Jo-namagashi is usually created upon customer’s requests.


Wagashi artisans talk to hosts of tea ceremony about what to make suitable for the season, guests or purpose. Most of the Jo-namagashi are Nerikiri, which are made of sweetened white bean tinted with colors and designed according to the season. Things in nature are depicted on a small piece of the bean paste. Sophisticated wagashi like Nerikiri originated back in the Edo period (1603-1868) and they were naturally produced by artisans’ hands unlike today’s mass production by molds and machinery.

Wagashi Demonstration at Kochuan




居合道日語發音Iaido. 在日本古代奈良朝或平安時代初期,武士常需要瞬間拔刀制敵,後來經發展,居合劍術便誕生於日本戰國末期。居合二字象徵對峙雙方,而居合劍術最講求的就是一擊必殺。居合修練的是在平時的狀態,當遇到敵人的襲擊時,如何快速反應過來的技術。日本武術轉變成武道,其中最大的差異便是,武道包含了心靈與精神層面的修練,而居合道更是以精神修練著名。由於居合道平時演練時便是由單人演武的形式練習,其所需要的身體肌肉的力量雖然並不大,但需要相當大的集中力,所以心靈上的修練是絕對必需的。


The Ryumeikan Sobukan is a traditionnal japanese dojo in LIège, in the Longdoz area. It is one of the very few permanent dojo of the city since its creation in 1987. They are associated with Takeda Ryu Nakamura Ha school and to the association that is promoting this school, the Nihon Sobudo Rengokai. The Takeda Ryu Nakamura Ha is a versatile school which studies several martial arts in parallel, all of them based on Aikido. The study of all these disciplines helps the students to get a broader approach of martial arts and to get a better understanding of the techniques and mouvements. 


3.盆栽藝術(beauty of bonsai)




The art of bonsai enshrines the grandeur of nature in a miniscule pot. Shunkaen Bonsai Museum, in Edogawa-ku, opened in 2002 to spread the depth of the world of bonsai vastly to the world—an ambition of Kunio Kobayashi, bonsai artist and winner of two of Japan’s three most prestigious honors: the Prime Minister’s Award and the Higashi-Kuninomiya International Culture Award. The garden with carp swimming gracefully in the pond and the classically sublime Japanese-style house are lined with over a thousand works of bonsai. Each miniature tree is tasteful in a unique way, and all embody beauty and dignity.




位於東京虎之門之丘的安達仕酒店是這次旅展party的舉行之地,安達仕酒店位於這座動感首都中第二高的摩天大樓,是東京第一間時尚生活品味精品酒店。季裕棠 (Tony Chi) 及緒方慎一郎 (Shinichiro Ogata) 的設計反映出日本文化對於美感與純粹的堅持,酒店內處處可見和紙和北海道胡桃木,以及美麗感性的藝術作品。



Ross Cooper, General Manager, Andaz Tokyo Toranomon Hills also noted:

Both the business meetings and social networking throughout ILTM Japan 2017 were really fruitful - filled with information and insights from experienced professionals and partners.   As the host of the official ILTM Japan 2017 party, the opportunity to showcase Andaz Tokyo and the modern culture of Japan was also invaluable.”


Andaz Tokyo website:www.andaztokyo.com



@「阿爾卑斯山最佳度假聯盟」(Bestof the Alps


該聯盟一直維持十座左右度假勝地的數目,這些度假區的共同特色包括:1.便捷的交通:附近有機場及方便的鐵公路對外交通設施。2.富阿爾卑斯山的氣氛: 結合傳統民俗文化及現代便利生活。3.擁大自然壯麗美景:囊括翠綠原野到白雪皚皚的山峰美景。4.環保建設:所有建設均以維護自然生態及環境保護為主。五5.多元化住宿選擇。6.豐富的餐飲選擇:提供當地風味及國際美食。7.適合各年齡階層: 提供全家到訪的設施。8.滑雪聖地:擁有各種不同程度的滑雪設施。9.多元化活動:除滑雪外,也有健行、登山等多樣戶外活動。10.多元文化:保存當地傳統文化,提供觀光客細細品味。



Rural paintings on house exteriors capped by the imposing rock face of the Zugspitz massif and Bavaria’s white and blue skies - that’s the first impression you get when arriving in Garmisch- Partenkirchen. The place is not only famous due to Germany’s highest mountain, the Zugspitze (2,962 m); the Olympic Games, World Cup ski races and New Year ski jumping have helped to make Garmisch-Partenkirchen well known and popular throughout the world as an outstanding Alpine resort. And in summer, there’s mountaineering and hiking, mountain biking and Nordic walking, golf and tennis. Experience just how intensive each day can be – in the great outdoors and in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.



The reason people love Lech Zürs is because it’s so compact and cosmopolitan all at the same time; because of the outstanding (not to mention extensive) choice of skiing to be enjoyed on the Arlberg, the glorious countryside, the friendships you can strike up here and the feeling of always being welcome. And of course, because of the wonderfully snowy winters, the perfect green summers, its convenient location (just two hours away from Zurich and three from Munich), the peace and quiet of the lofty mountain pastures, or simply because of the combination of all of them. To visit Lech Zürs is to fall in love with it for a lifetime.


@維也納(Vienna city)


奧地利首都維也納連續第八次將評選為全球生活品質最高的城市。近幾年來,維也納被國際大會及會議協會(ICCA)評為全球領先的會議型大都市之一。維也納是交通便利的中歐樞紐,擁有多樣化酒店業和很多最佳會議地點。城市和學院的設施為在維也納舉辦會議提供了很大的支持。此外,憑藉36個獲得綠色會議(Green Meetings)認證的機構,維也納還展現出了有關環境相容性和可持續性的願景。


“About 80% of visitor bednights in Vienna are attributable to international visitors. We are working to ensure continued internationalization, win airlines for Vienna, and achieve sustainable growth under the umbrella of the Tourism Strategy Vienna 2020 and its theme of 'Global.Smart.Premium',” explains Director of Tourism Norbert Kettner. With more than 3,500 conventions and corporate events a year, Vienna is one of the world's leading meeting destinations, as well as continually receiving awards for its outstanding quality of life.



@美食旅遊兼具之都-加泰隆尼亞(Catalonia both gastronomy and tourism)Pati-sala hivern.jpg  


加泰隆尼亞不但是西班牙知名的觀光景點,El Celler de Can Roca位在加泰隆尼亞(Girona)小鎮,在巴塞隆納搭火車往北約需一個多小時的時間,餐廳位在鎮上的住宅區內,環境優雅寧靜,一進門就感覺到一種不同的氛圍,它有效利用隔離中庭花園的大片落地窗來採光,讓室內光線變得非常地柔和。開張已29年的El Celler de Can Roca,因「好奇心與創意」,讓他們始終在五十大餐廳前五名內,羅卡三兄弟分別負責主廚、甜品與佐餐酒,天衣無縫的合作,讓僅有55個座位的餐廳登峰造極。



Catalonia's identity as a region with a wealth of culinary traditions, landscapes and creative innovators, raising the region's profile in Europe and internationally.


In Catalonia there are 50 restaurants with 60 Michelin stars between them, ex. El Celler de Can Roca restaurant must head to the city of Girona in Catalan, an hour or so north-east of Barcelona. Once there, leave the attractive medieval old town behind and head to the nondescript working-class suburb of Taiala, where you’ll find the spacious, purpose-built restaurant secreted behind a discreet entrance passageway.



@日本萬豪國際(Marriote International in Japan)




The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company currently has four hotels in Japan,still to come is a 50-room Niseko property, being developed by Kuala Lumpur-based YTL,This will be adjacent to Niseko's famed powder snow, two golf courses and horseback riding. Ritz-Carlton, Kyoto, GM Mark Neukomm, is built around the 1907 home of Baron Denzaburo Fujita; stay for serenity of design, calm views over Kamogawa river to distant Mt Nyakouji, and for proximity to the Imperial Palace and Nijo Castle.


2.東京麗思卡爾頓酒店(The Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo)


The Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo, on the site of the former Self Defense Agency in Midtown, Hotel GM John Rolfs.

This season, Chef Hayasaka will be showing off his Sakura themed dishes at the Sparkling Sakura Champagne Dinner, with well-designed 5-course menu that will be paired with premium Champagne, Perrier-Jouët. The evening will also be inviting Perrier-Jouët senior brand ambassador, Mr. Maxime Hotelier, and together with Chef Hayasaka will be curating an evening that illustrates the radiant flavor, color and aroma of Sakura blossoms.


3.St. Regis Hotel,Osaka


St.Regis Bathroom_SRN3677.JPG

KENJI FUKUNAGA, General Manager,The St.Regis OSAKA

4.The Luxury Collection(The Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho Hotel)



@曼谷凱賓斯基酒店(Siam Kempinski Hotel)

凱賓斯基(Kempinski Hotel)是歐洲最古老的奢華酒店品牌,2010年開幕的曼谷凱賓斯基是全球第64間酒店、在亞洲也是最具代表性的五星奢華酒店之一,該間酒店就位在曼谷市中心Siam Square area(暹羅廣場),只要步行一分鐘的時間,就可以抵達曼谷最大最知名的Siam Paragon百貨,凱賓斯基可說是處在整個曼谷的心臟地帶,擁有絕佳的地理位置。


Closest great-retail in Thailand is at Siam Kempinski Hotel Bangkok: its connected to the Crown Bureau-owned Paragon, with ten floors that include over 40 eating places, and a KidZania to keep children happy. The hotel, GM Samir Wildemann, truly epitomises the term 'urban resort' – the building wraps around acres of lush garden inset with swimming pools and canals, four feet deep (many love ground floor rooms, say #35 in the Garden Wing, that allow you to swim straight from your small terrace). Rooms with access to the 17th floor club lounge also offer complimentary wake-up beverages, and one item of free pressing a day. Dine at Sra Bua by Kiin Kiin for modern-Thai in exquisite surroundings.


@馬可波羅酒店即將在今年第四季於香港中環開幕The Murray Hotel酒店共27層,設有336間精緻寬敞套房與客房,配備優越的健身及水療設備,及5間典雅的餐廳與酒吧,其中包括大堂休息室、茶室、中式酒樓與西式餐廳,另有豪華露臺酒吧,360度俯瞰都市盛景、香港公園和香港動植物公園,以金箔琉璃點綴、華麗風格迎賓。

Well-known man of style Duncan Palmer is MD of The Murray, a Niccolo Hotel, Hong Kong, which opens this October. Architect Norman Foster has tweaked the original Murray Building, on Cotton Tree Drive in Central. At 27 floors, this was the tallest building in Hong Kong when it opened in 1969: all windows are cleverly angled to avoid intrusion of excessive direct sunlight.



Belmond Khwai River Lodge is in the Moremi Wildlife Reserve, named for Batawana king Moremi III. There is year-round game viewing and one of many delights is watching the hippos in Khwai River. Tent #1 has outdoor rainforest showers and a heated infinity plunge pool • Belmond Savute Elephant Camp is on the banks of the Savute Channel - in Chobe National Park (the Channel was completely dry from 1981 to 2010 and it is thought that tectonic activity deep below the Kalahari's sandbed was responsible).


@About ILTM JAPAN 2017


Fifth edition confirms ILTM Japan’s influential position in connecting Japan’s luxury heritage with global travellers, as well as wealthy Japanese to the world.


Alison Gilmore,Portfolio Director,ILTM

ILTM Japan 2017 saw the number of both Japanese exhibitors and hosted buyers increasing by 24%, notably from Australia, Canada, UAE, the UK and US.  Other buyers attending representing high net worth clients from China, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Korea, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland and Taiwan.


Turning to the business of ITM Japan, the number of one-to-one appointments increased to 3650, 16% up year on year.   Buyers and exhibitors – both from Japan and the rest of the world – were enthused by their experiences.


 Special thanks:ILTM JAPANSpotl1ight Communications





責任編輯: Jacky Yang (TAIWAN)


Editor-in-ChiefJadon Lin(HK)

Full Senior EditorLathan Wu (HK)

Associate Senior Editor :Jacky Yang (TW)

Managing Editor : Cathy Chao (TW)

Senior ReporterGabbana(TW)




採訪協力:ILTM (International Luxury Travel Market )


文章採訪: 2017 Tokyo 東京


    創作者 良好印象傳媒  的頭像

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