ILTM(國際豪華旅遊博覽會) Asia將會在2018年重新定位以代表整個亞洲,如法國坎城的ILTM般吸引更多的國際旅遊矚目。主席Alison Gilmore表示:「我們將展會打造成如法國坎城ILTM般的國際盛事,擁有相同的氛圍、故事與地位。」下屆ILTM Asia-Pacific將於充滿活力的亞洲心臟地帶新加坡舉行,該處既是亞洲區域的度假勝地,也是亞太地區最有潛力之地。
回顧2016年,亞太區首次超越北美洲成為擁有最多高資產人士的地區《2016年全球財富報告》。據該報告預測,亞太區的高淨值人士數量將於2025年底前增加超過一倍至1,170萬人。豪華旅遊在新加坡、泰國及菲律賓的增長超過一般旅遊,ILTM Asia現將聚焦於此發展趨勢。
ILTM Asia Pacific will be re-positioned to represent the whole of Asia, bringing more international buyers, similar in context to ILTM in Cannes. “We will create the show to be as international as Cannes, with the same ambiance, story and stature but set in the dynamic heart of Asia – Singapore - considered to be both the region’s gateway and its hub,” continued Ms Gilmore.
Asia Pacific surpassed North America for the first time in 2016 to become the region with the largest amount of high net worth wealth (World Wealth Report 2016). By 2025, the report states that Asia-Pacific’s high net worth population would more than double to 11.7 million individuals. Luxury travel is outpacing ordinary travel in Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines.
根據2017年《胡潤百富》與ILTM Asia針對富裕階層旅遊者的調查顯示,近年來的奢華旅行還顯現了一些趨勢。首先海島假期是”大黑馬”,特別受到八O後富裕階層的喜愛,包括Phuket (普吉島)Maldives (馬爾代夫) 以及Fiji (斐濟群島)…等都非常受到歡迎;其次,東南亞及歐洲是豪華旅遊的首選地;而根據調查,麗思卡爾頓及四季酒店,還是奢華旅遊者最喜愛的飯店品牌、精品旅店也有增長;中國南方航空以及國泰航空是大中華區消費者最常選擇搭乘的航空公司,其次阿聯酋豪空Emirates以及新加坡航空Singapore Airlines也受到高端消費者喜愛。
The Chinese Luxury Traveller 2017’, published by Hurun Report in association with International Luxury Travel Market Asia (ILTM Asia), unveiled the habits of Chinese luxury outbound travellers, where they prefer to go for their holidays and what they want to do during their vacation.
Island holiday is the new ‘dark horse’ !While leisure holidays Island holidays are especially popular among the post-80s generation, and rank as the first choice of 46% of the respondents.Last year Southeast Asia and Europe were choice of destinations for 45% and 44% of respondents respectively.
Luxury hotels are the first choice for China’s affluent travellers. The Ritz-Carlton and Four Seasons hotels are the most popular choices.
China’s luxury travellers are placing a higher premium on comfort when they travel, with 61% of respondents saying they travelled in business or first class. Air China has the most popular membership scheme among domestic airlines (54%) followed by China Southern Airlines (22.4%) and Cathay Pacific (21.9%) coming in after. Among foreign airlines Emirates and Singapore Airlines are ahead of the pack at 23% and 22% respectively for their cost-effectiveness and high-level services, as well as important hubs for flight transfers.
@萬豪國際(Marriot international)
萬豪酒店集團的8個奢華品牌首次集體亮相ILTM,他們分別是麗思卡爾頓(The Ritz-Carlton)、麗思卡爾頓Reserve(The Ritz-Carlton,reserve)、豪華精選(The Luxury Collection)、瑞吉(St. Regis)、寶格麗(Bulgari Hotels & Resorts)、艾迪遜(EDITION)、W(W hotel)和JW萬豪(JW Marriott)。萬豪國際集團日前在上海ILTM ASIA上宣佈,將在亞太區現有的113家奢華酒店的基礎上,新增百餘家酒店,也是全球最大奢華酒店陣容。
Marriott International recently unveiled plans to double its luxury presence in Asia Pacific by adding more than 100 luxury hotels to its current footprint of 113 luxury properties. Announced at the International Luxury Travel Market (ILTM) conference in Shanghai, this represents over half of the company’s global growth in this category. In India, JW Marriott will also make exciting premiere in Jaipur, India by 2018.
With the introduction of 11 new hotels to its luxury portfolio in Asia Pacific, 2017 is already on track to be a breakthrough year for Marriott International. China continues to contribute around half of the new hotels in the region with key cities such as Shanghai and Suzhou being flagged for new properties, while emerging luxury destinations such as Tasmania and Sri Lanka are also on the horizon.
2017年5月27日,倫敦三一廣場10號四季酒店的盛大開幕,這裡曾是倫敦港務局總部,如今化身為奢華酒店;去年10月才在日本古都開幕的四季酒店,客房(包括13間套房)由Hirsch Bedner事務所設計,巧妙地將池泉園、寺院及周邊的美景納入房間窗景中。室內裝潢融入了許多傳統日式設計,例如和紙燈、硬木地板、當地製作的日式屏風和漆器等,現代科技在此也觸手可及。
One of the most anticipated openings in London this year, Four Seasons Hotel London at Ten Trinity. the historical and imposing building took about six years to restore before transforming into the luxurious hotel it is today. the spa and Mei Ume, the property’s Chinese and Japanese restaurant. The former occupies 18,083 square feet in the hotel’s basement level with a lobby encased in curved walls, drawing inspiration from the building’s rotunda, and are covered with a gilded mosaic.
New Four Seasons Kyoto, which opened last fall near center of town. There is grandeur in spades: quadruple-height ceilings in the dining room, a leather-clad Hermès rickshaw in a hallway corner, extravagant floral designs by Nicolai Bergmann, billed as “the Jeff Lethem of Japan” in a nod to the Four Seasons’ house florist There’s an enormous fitness center and stunning underground swimming pool, and the spa draws on the best of the East and the West.
位於波蘭華沙歐羅普斯基萊佛士酒店定於2017年下半年開業,為這座飛速發展的城市新增一家奢華酒店,在這棟華沙人民熱愛的建築內書寫全新篇章。酒店坐落于歷史悠久的華沙市區,毗鄰總統府,是該地區的地標性建築。室內裝潢委託廣受讚譽的Boris Kudlicka著手設計,他過往設計的著名項目包括華沙文化中心。
新加坡市中心索菲特酒店將於2017年7月盛大開業,以動人的法式情調與五星級服務水準迎接廣大賓客。酒店與國浩大廈(Guoco Tower)相連,共設222間設備齊全的客房,優雅的Racines(詞義為“根”)餐廳提供互動式就餐體驗,通過食品集市的形式展現當地物產與法式傳統,還設有一個劇院式廚房,為人留下難以忘懷的就餐體驗。酒店賓客可在戶外泳池放鬆身心,或在免費的Virgin Active健身房鍛煉身體。專屬的行政酒廊設有一間獨特的Vinoteca酒吧,供應各類上等葡萄酒。
Raffles to open in Warsaw
Raffles Europejski Warsaw is set to open late 2017, bringing a new luxury hotel to this fast-changing city, and heralding a new chapter for one of the Warsaw’s most beloved buildings. Hotel Europejski originally opened in 1857, immediately becoming one of the most luxurious hotels in the Russian Empire. Located in the historic district of Warsaw, next to the Presidential Palace, this is a significant restoration of a landmark building. Throughout the restoration the building’s heritage has been carefully preserved and respected.
Fairmont is a gateway to genuine connections for our guests. Unforgettable since 1907, Fairmont turns moments into memories. Its brand essence is charismatic, connected, thoughtful, locally inspired and unforgettable. Every city has one hotel where glamour meets culture, where occasions happen, where world leaders keep company and where trend—setters set trends. That hotel is Fairmont. With over 70 remarkable addresses across the globe.
Sofitel Singapore City Centre will welcome its guests with passionate French flair and five-star hospitality from July 2017. Conveniently linked to Guoco Tower, the hotel will boast 222 well-appointed rooms including 50 Executive Club rooms, 13 suites and one signature suite. Dining will be an interactive experience at Racines, meaning ‘roots’ – an elegant restaurant that will showcase local produce and French traditions through market-style counters and a theatre kitchen that will make every dining experience memorable. Hotel guests can relax in the outdoor swimming pool or take their fitness to the next level with complimentary access to the Virgin Active Gym, which offers Singapore’s first altitude studio.
@ Capella Shanghai
該酒店坐落在徐匯區衡複歷史文化風貌保護區,將是上海唯一的全別墅式城市度假村,坐擁具有歷史意義的現有“石庫門”建築群 -- 上世紀30時代上海的地標性建築。Capella Shanghai 坐落在建業裡歷史風貌保護區,它將成為上海唯一的全別墅式城市度假村,坐擁55棟別墅,並輔以傳奇色彩的 Capella Library、備受讚譽的 Auriga Spa、法式啤酒屋將成為融合海派四合院與巴黎風情的上海住宅傳統的陳列櫥,其法式餐廳邀請法國三星大廚Pierre gagnaire擔任餐飲顧問。
就在2011年英國凱特王妃Kate Middleton與威廉王子Prince William選擇這個群島國做為蜜月旅行的地點之後,塞席爾頓時知名度大增。塞席爾是非洲的一個群島國,位在印度洋,整個國家共有115個花崗岩與珊瑚礁的小島,自然資源是這個國家最珍貴的財產,島嶼中有將近一半都屬於保護區,大部分的小島更禁止開發,以維持其最原始的風光,碧海藍天、沙灘及美麗的夕陽,是賽席爾最日常的景色。島上保留豐富原始的天然資源,茂盛參天的樹木、奇異的植物、珍奇的禽鳥、昆蟲、巨大的烏龜、海中的鯨鯊,在此與人的距離都不遙遠。
William and Kate, who married in April 2011, had an intimate and private honeymoon on the secluded Seychelles.
The Royal couple are believed to have stayed in a plush £4,000-a-night villa on the remotest part of the island.
Blanketed by coconut groves, the island has only a handful of luxury villas, each with stunning views out across the warm ocean.
Each villa comes cmplete with its own butler, an open-air bathroom area with sunken bath and shower, a private garden and a wooden deck with freshwater rock pool and yoga pavilion.
@普吉島斯萊特酒店 (The Slate Phuket)
依偎在自己的私人天堂相鄰未受破壞的奈陽海灘和普吉島機場。Bill Bensley的設計作品和Design HotelTM成員。
普吉島斯萊特酒店體現了普吉島遺產的一種前衛的表達,它豐富的文化、大膽的傳統設計和大膽的想像力。一個家族的優良傳統符合原來的設計,還有意想不到的元素呈現在你眼前。普吉島斯萊特酒店提供177間套房的住宿選擇,七間豪華泳池別墅設計、八家餐廳和酒吧、三個室外游泳池、海灘俱樂部、藝術畫廊、健身室、網球場、“Tin Box”的兒童俱樂部、屢獲殊榮的Coqoon水療、會議設施和泰式烹飪課程。
The Slate
A BRILLIANT azure world with a rich elemental history. Here, the whispering seas, swaying palms and sweeping coastal skies set the scene for an engaging, multi-faceted experience. With a genuine and authentic Phuket heart at its core, awaken your imagination in this fantastical tropical escape.
@芙拉瓦麗水療度假村(Hurawalhi Resort & Spa)
純質的馬爾地夫拉維亞尼群島環礁,風光旖旎的私人島嶼,該度假村總共90間別墅, 成人專屬的豪華度假村猶如海水拍打著沙灘一般卓越,是與您所去過的任何島嶼都不一樣的壯麗。水上,水下與水邊,尋找休憩賓客們正享受著五星級的款待,寧靜與瀟灑完美的平衡;豐厚的全包服務,水療放縱,奇妙的珊瑚礁和瀉湖達成一種概念就是這座島嶼值得一去。世界上規模最大的水下餐廳“5.8”是度假村的畫龍點睛之筆,將帶給人們最難網的用餐體驗。
In the Maldives, Hurawalhi Island Resort is much like your relationship: it is a perfect match of serenity and excitement, comfort and adventure; it stirs up your every atom with an intricate blend of intimacy and thrill.The 90-villa, adults-only luxury resort is as brilliant as the ocean that laps against its beaches and hardly as magnificent as any island you have visited. You can swoon over photos of the Maldives, but nothing will prepare you for the beautiful blend of barefoot bliss and contemporary design found at Hurawalhi.
Above, below and by the water, honeymooners and guests looking for a beach break are in for a 5-star treat that holds a perfect balance between tranquility and pizzazz: sublime accommodation, generous all-inclusive service, spa indulgences, marvelous coral reefs and lagoons set seal on the notion that the island is worth a visit. Add to the mix the jewel in the resort’s crown, the world’s largest undersea restaurant ‘5.8’.
@冰島的Moss Hotel & Lava Cove at Blue Lagoon – Iceland
冰島最著名的藍湖溫泉(Blue Lagoon),位於雷克雅內斯半島,離國際機場Keflavik 不遠,只需約10分鐘車程。
私人的藍湖溫泉因為有火山泥殘留的關係,所以呈現粉藍色,而且環山美景都像仙境一般。溫泉是由冷卻過的海水流入火山熔岩形成的低窪地帶,因此水的溫度保持在40度左右,而且含豐富的矽、硫等礦物質。名為 The Lava Cove and Moss Hotel。Lava溫泉座落於具800年歷史的熔岩流,完全體現了自然、建築與海水的融合。
@ The Sandoz Family Foundation HOTELS
Beau-Rivage Palace - Switzerland
Hotel Palafitte (Neuchâtel-Monruz)
The only hotel in Europe built on stilts, the Palafitte enjoys an exceptional setting. To put one foot into this unique and unusual establishment is to dive into a cocooning and relaxing environment. This is a complete and instant change of scenery. The architecture has been carefully designed to enhance the breathtaking surrounding view from any point in the room!
Riffelalp Resort 2222M (Zermatt)
After almost three years of work, made especially difficult by the altitude and transport problems, the hotel opened its doors on 1 December 2000 under the name of the Riffelalp Resort 2222m. After expansion in 2005, it now has 140 beds (65 rooms, five suites, two apartments) and offers refined and sophisticated comfort. In addition to two restaurants, two terraces and a typical vault, the hotel has a cinema, a bowling alley, a billiards room, a wellness and fitness centre with indoor and outdoor swimming pools, and a concert hall in the old English chapel.
ILTM China: Shanghai, October 2018
責任編輯: Jacky Yang (TAIWAN)
Editor-in-Chief:Jadon Lin(HK)
Full Senior Editor:Lathan Wu (HK)
Associate Senior Editor :Jacky Yang (TW)
Managing Editor : Cathy Chao (TW)
Senior Reporter:Gabbana(TW)
採訪協力:ILTM (International Luxury Travel Market )
文章採訪: 2017 上海