
對於Nespresso的愛好者來說,限定版咖啡膠囊通常都會在春秋兩季發表居多,消費者大多在新品發表會後、前往專賣店一嚐美味,此次發表二款咖啡膠囊因風土差異、賦予咖啡不同的風味,Nespresso咖啡從擁有豐沃土壤及多元咖啡產地的哥倫比亞,推出兩款春季限量款Grands Crus: Cauca考卡與Santander桑坦德。我們來自品嘗會的現場報導




Nespresso特地從兩個最具代表性的產區: Cauca考卡與Santander桑坦德精選其綠咖啡豆。具有獨特芳香的阿拉比卡豆,經由不同風土的孕育,擁有截然不同的香氣及調性,賦予咖啡不同的風貌。


這兩款哥倫比亞限量版Grands Crus,突顯了從不同地區產出的阿拉比卡豆能帶來不同風貌的感官體驗。這二款風味咖啡「良好印象」搶先品嘗,一一的來為讀者剖悉。


Cauca考卡及Santander桑坦德分別位於哥倫比亞地區的兩端,此兩產區皆與Nespresso AAA永續品質計畫下的農場攜手合作多年。Nespresso與當地咖啡農長期以來的緊密合作關係,得以創造出此兩款特別的哥倫比亞風情限量款咖啡。









(口感) Cauca擁有多層次口感與清新香調,強度6   









位於哥倫比亞東北方的桑坦德省(Departamento de Santander)是哥倫比亞北部的一個省,西界馬格達萊納河,被陡峭的安第斯山脈環繞,氣後乾燥而地形崎嶇。為避免烈日的高溫曝曬,咖啡被種植在高聳成群的樹蔭下





此二款咖啡記者本身全使用Espresso(25ml) 的方式飲用,不加任何的糖與牛奶。


Cauca考卡25ml Nespresso入口後滑順甘甜俱有少許煙燻味適合中級級單品咖啡玩家,不太適合入門者。口感上調配非常濃郁,建議純飲不加糖,改以馬卡龍或蛋糕搭配食用,味道更香醇




Santander桑坦德25ml Espresso 入口後擁有多餘焦糖香氣後轉酸和單品的葉門摩卡豆有股讓人其特的酸性相同雖然不是受到人們喜愛但確深受單品人士推荐建議改配柑橘類糖果或鹹餅享用味道更獨特






哥倫比亞風情春季限量版,自2014318日起,於Nespresso精品店及網路商店販售,每條咖啡膠囊 (10顆裝)售價為NT$ 260,數量有限,售完為止。








試飲日期2014.03.11 TAIPEI

發佈日期2014.03.15 TAIPEI台北


To delight, surprise and open a door to new tasting experiences and contrasts for Club Members and coffee connoisseurs this Spring, Nespresso coffee experts have turned to the rich and diverse coffee growing regions of Colombia to create the Spring 2014 Limited Edition Grands Crus duo.


Nespresso coffee experts, long skilled in the art of Colombian coffees, sought out green coffee from the regions of Cauca and Santander. These particularly aromatic Arabica beans have vastly different aroma and taste profiles from which to craft these two Grand Crus.

Taking the concept of Pure Origin Grands Crus one step further – where Grands Crus are sourced from one particular country of origin. The Colombian Terroirs duo Limited Edition Grands Crus demonstrate the diversity of sensory experience which can be drawn from the Arabica variety grown in a different location.


Cauca and Santander are two regions at opposite ends of Colombia in which Nespresso has worked hand in hand for many years with farmers under its AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program. It is the close and collaborative nature of the work Nespresso does with these farmers that enables it to create these very specialized Limited Edition Grands Crus.


Found in the lush, green, fertile equatorial region of south-west Colombia, where coffee bushes growing on mountainsides feel the regular warming equatorial sun, Cauca is known for its very small coffee farms. Contrastingly, Santander to the north-east is a drier, steeper region surrounded by steep mountains forming the other end of the Andes Cordillera mountain range coffee bushes are grown under the protection from the high intensity sun of tall trees.  


The Cauca Limited Edition Grand Cru is characterized by its fruity, winey aromas and juicy taste. It is complex and aromatic and has an intensity of 6. The Santander Limited Edition Grand Cru presents toasted bread notes with sweet notes of caramel. With a rounded and balanced finish it has an intensity of 7. They are both recommended to be enjoyed in a 40ml espresso measure. Both Colombian Terroirs Limited Edition Grands Crus interestingly still retain perceptible characteristics when prepared with milk. If enjoyed with milk, Cauca is recommended as a Cappuccino and Santander as a Latte Macchiato.


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