
10亞洲國際豪華旅遊博覽會(ILTM Asia)於六月初揭開序幕,亞洲富裕旅行者明年赴海外休閒遊的趨勢將顯著增長,同時ILTM Asia是豪華旅遊行業的頂級盛會,為豪華旅遊行業與遍佈亞洲19個國家的代理商會面洽談提供了有利的平臺。(內含HD影音)


“我們覺得這十周年的活動是非常成功地,有五百多位的買家來參加,來自亞洲的豪華旅行者持續尋找新的體驗,將持續規劃出豪華旅遊產業的未來。” Alison Gilmore, ILTM Portfolio Director表示。


ILTM Asia為全球各地的全球豪華旅遊參展商與近500家亞洲旅行社安排了25,000多次相互匹配的一對一預約洽談,這些旅行社專門致力於為高消費客戶打造並規劃豪華旅遊行程。

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在博覽會開幕論壇之前,來自新加坡的Agility Research奢華消費公司的Amrita Banta主持了一場專項研討會,並在會上分享了公司最新的研究-《亞洲豪華旅行者的未來》的結果。此項調研針對5,373名高端消費者的旅行態度和旅行方式展開調查,這些高收入人士遍佈亞洲八個國家和地區,包括中國大陸韓國、臺灣日本、印度、新加坡、香港、馬來西亞,每個地區的平均受訪者超過300人。

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此後,企業家及作家Rachel Botsman在開幕論壇上進行了一項報告。2010年,Rachel率先確立了“共享經濟”理論。她在論壇上討論了AirbnbUber等共享經濟平臺,以及這些資源如何象徵著人們獲取並消費產品和服務的方式所發生的巨大變革。她還重點指出媒體消費從物質擁有向需求消費的巨大轉變,需求消費的情況下可以獲取內容但不能擁有內容。她還評論道:“我們有史以來第一次能有一代人相信並勇於嘗試一種全新的方式,他們尋求靈活選擇而非擁有的體驗他們是用智慧手機操控現實世界的一代。”






The 10th edition of ILTM Asia opened yesterday with the powerful message that affluent travellers from across Asia are set to significantly increase their overseas leisure travel during the next year.

Alison Gilmore, ILTM Portfolio Director, said:

We feel that the tenth edition of ILTM Asia has been our most successful yet. We have welcomed 500 buyers to the show, many for the first time. Luxury travellers from Asia continue to seek new experiences, the likes of which have been taking part in ILTM Asia 2016. The relationships formed this week will continue to shape the future of the luxury travel industry in the region.”  


 Earlier in the week, the 10th edition of ILTM Asia opened with the powerful message that affluent travellers from across Asia are set to significantly increase their overseas leisure travel during the next year.

A dedicated seminar by Amrita Banta of Agility Research revealed the findings of their new survey ‘The Future of the Asian Luxury Traveller”.  The survey explores the attitudes to travel and patterns of travel of 5,373 high net worth individuals across 8 countries in Asia: China, India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan, an average of more than 300 in each territory.


Amrita reported that the new Asian high net worth traveller is now seeking luxury in the way they travel: Indians are cited as wanting to travel first class and stay in five star hotels. She also highlighted that these travellers are seeking new, unexplored destinations and new experiences; travellers from Hong Kong are going to Japan to ski and Chinese travellers have nature tours and safaris at the top of their list.


While China is the leading leisure travel source market of these eight regions studied, Singaporeans are the most frequent travellers. Tokyo is not only a top destination for the Chinese, but increasingly tourists from across Asia; Osaka is also becoming a major destination. Finally, travel and luxury shopping go hand in hand for the Asian traveller – shopping is a major motivator for choosing travel destinations.

The seminar kicked off the education programme at the 10th edition of ILTM Asia - the leading luxury travel industry event for the industry to meet with agents representing the highest net worth of individuals from 19 countries across Asia.


The evening continued with the ILTM Asia Opening Forum in the Shanghai Theatre, Rupert Hoogewerf – Chairman and Chief Researcher of the renowned Hurun Report Inc, addressed ‘Why China’s Generation Y is Driving Global Luxury’ and the serious effects of Chinese rapid wealth creation on the global luxury market.   


Rupert shared key findings from the report including the significant spending power that China now contributes to the global luxury sector. The report findings show that 2016 is the first year that not only have the Chinese have overtaken the US in the number of US$ billionaires, but the first year Beijing has overtaken New York City in billionaires. 20% of the world’s USD billionaires are Chinese and the younger generation (Generation Y) have a significant influence on how their wealth is spent - 60% are considering emigration and 80% send their children abroad for education, ensuring a Chinese population that’s more economically powerful and international than ever before.


The ILTM Asia Opening Forum continued with a presentation by entrepreneur and writer Rachel Botsman, who originally defined the theory of ‘collaborative consumption’ in 2010.  Rachel discussed resource-sharing platforms such as Airbnb and Uber and how they represent a generational shift in the way people access and consume goods and services.  She highlighted the fact that media consumption has already completely moved from physical ownership to on-demand consumption where content is accessed but not owned and commented: “For the first time, we have a generation that trusts and takes risks in an entirely new way. They seek the experience of having continuing choice rather than ownership - this is a generation that sees their smart-phones as a remote control to the physical world. “

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Rachel refers to an ‘asset-light’ generation that can afford to buy but would prefer to purchase access through subscription models that allow flexibility and choice. “Airbnb has created a market for things that people didn’t even think they wanted,” she said.

Over the next decade Rachel predicts that the asset-light generation will lead a major shift from asset ownership to “on-demand solutions for everything, be it helicopters, cars, groceries, hotel rooms, and indeed any experience that you can think of and many you may not have even considered yet. “

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ILTM Asia closed today, Thursday 2 June, facilitating over 25,000 one-to-one, mutually matched appointments between those representing global luxury travel experiences from across the world and almost 500 high-end Asian travel agents, each specialising in creating and planning luxury travel for their high net worth clients.



責任編輯: Jacky Yang (TAIWAN)

Editor-in-ChiefJadon Lin(HK)

Full Senior EditorLathan Wu (HK)

Associate Senior Editor :Jacky Yang (TW)

Manager Editor : :Chathy Chao (TW)

Senior ReporterGabbana(TW)



採訪協力:ILTM (International Luxury Travel Market )

文章採訪: 2016 Shanghai上海

    創作者 良好印象傳媒  的頭像

    良好印象傳媒 Favorable Impression Media @FIMMEDIA

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